Achaean News

Public News Posts: 21062-21023

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21062Apr 18th, 2021something something traitor somethingInfamously Dashing Elyon Wineapple, Spectator of AnatomySenoske 'Jangles' Rainshilde
21061Apr 18th, 2021GMC Crafter Competition ReminderKeeper of the Coin Laytron Rousseau, Court's AmbassadorEveryone
21060Apr 17th, 2021A traitor, giving advice?Senoske 'Jangles' RainshildeHalfsighted Admiral Lyrikai da'Miras, Hoarder of Rum
21059Apr 13th, 2021The High Warden, A Danger To Us AllHalfsighted Admiral Lyrikai da'Miras, Hoarder of RumEveryone
21058Apr 12th, 2021This girl knows that nameNuwieMaster Tailor Jaksim Nomathi, the Urbanal
21057Apr 12th, 2021The Faithful Servant, Lacking FaithMaster Tailor Jaksim Nomathi, the UrbanalAdrik Bergson, Her High Warden
21056Apr 6th, 2021A Memorial for Grondson RousseauAmbassador Mina Celes'Ciel, Heartwood SageEveryone
21055Apr 6th, 2021Cyrene's Response To High Warden Adrik's ProposalImperiate Keorin, Shield CommanderEveryone
21054Apr 5th, 2021Adrik's Behaviour & Most Recent PostSimply Ser Prythe Lanthe, her ShrubberyEveryone
21053Apr 5th, 2021CyreneGlathnaEveryone
21052Apr 3rd, 2021GMC Crafter's CompetitionKeeper of the Coin Laytron Rousseau, Court's AmbassadorEveryone
21051Mar 31st, 2021New High Warden and Forestals of SapienceAdrik Bergson, Her High WardenEveryone
21050Mar 24th, 2021LoyaltiesMaster Tailor Jaksim NomathiEveryone
21049Mar 24th, 2021Bye!Avianca FaelitharVeiled Apprentice Gurklukke Vorondil
21048Mar 24th, 2021In action....not apathy.Veiled Apprentice Gurklukke VorondilThe City of Cyrene
21047Mar 23rd, 2021A letter awryLirov, the LearnedEveryone
21046Mar 22nd, 2021Wayward Heights CitizenshipSir Kinilan Demaxx, Pandora's Complaints DepartmentEveryone
21045Mar 21st, 2021An Eviction Posting...Sentry Gurklukke VorondilPandora, the Wayward Heir
21044Mar 21st, 2021Pure and Clear Darkwalker PropagandaDesinEveryone
21043Mar 20th, 2021Musings on ChaosFarrah RoualtEveryone
21042Mar 17th, 2021Master Craft Award Winners!Lady Roselie Rian-Moonshadow, Phaestean CraftmasterEveryone
21041Mar 16th, 2021The end resultSir Eril Rian-Moonshadow, Hand of the SmithThe City of Cyrene
21040Mar 16th, 2021Fragments of PandoraAssociate Professor YirueiniEveryone
21039Mar 16th, 2021In These Troubling TimesLady Melodie Cholla'Yi, Ambassador of the BaelgrimEveryone
21038Mar 15th, 2021Cyrene's ResponseImperiate Keorin, Shield CommanderDusk, the Keeper
21037Mar 14th, 2021An Opening OvertureDusk, the KeeperImperiate Keorin, Shield Commander
21036Mar 14th, 2021A responseTesha YoungAroan, Prophet of the Earth
21035Mar 13th, 2021HollowJudge Jinos Inficio-TiercelFarrah Roualt
21034Mar 13th, 2021The Last CityFarrah RoualtMaster Tailor Jaksim Nomathi
21033Mar 13th, 2021A few salient pointsMaster Tailor Jaksim NomathiEveryone
21032Mar 12th, 2021CyreneGlathnaEveryone
21031Mar 12th, 2021Tyranny of the DivineAroan, Prophet of the EarthEveryone
21030Mar 11th, 2021Tenebrous Shores at the Former Muurn Lighthouse: Memories to Last a LifetimeKuriel Al'Jafri, Manager of Tenebrous Shores ResortEveryone
21029Mar 10th, 2021Better If...Lii Lichlord, Chancellor of His CityThe City of Cyrene
21028Mar 10th, 2021clarificationLaedha Vorondil, Mountain MusicianSir Eril Rian-Moonshadow, Hand of the Smith
21027Mar 10th, 2021NotedLaedha Vorondil, Mountain MusicianSir Eril Rian-Moonshadow, Hand of the Smith
21026Mar 10th, 2021UnfortunateErilThe City of Cyrene
21025Mar 5th, 2021Phaestean Master Crafter Awards Deadline EXTENDED!Lady Roselie Rian-Moonshadow, Phaestean CraftmasterEveryone
21024Mar 5th, 2021OhJudge Jinos Inficio-TiercelSentry Kriex Odule, Marshal of Lord Phaestus
21023Mar 5th, 2021Your grand gesture is hereSentry Kriex Odule, Marshal of Lord PhaestusJudge Jinos Inficio-Tiercel

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Public News Posts: 21062-21023

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21062Apr 18th, 2021something something traitor something
21061Apr 18th, 2021GMC Crafter Competition Reminder
21060Apr 17th, 2021A traitor, giving advice?
21059Apr 13th, 2021The High Warden, A Danger To Us All
21058Apr 12th, 2021This girl knows that name
21057Apr 12th, 2021The Faithful Servant, Lacking Faith
21056Apr 6th, 2021A Memorial for Grondson Rousseau
21055Apr 6th, 2021Cyrene's Response To High Warden Adrik's Proposal
21054Apr 5th, 2021Adrik's Behaviour & Most Recent Post
21053Apr 5th, 2021Cyrene
21052Apr 3rd, 2021GMC Crafter's Competition
21051Mar 31st, 2021New High Warden and Forestals of Sapience
21050Mar 24th, 2021Loyalties
21049Mar 24th, 2021Bye!
21048Mar 24th, 2021In action....not apathy.
21047Mar 23rd, 2021A letter awry
21046Mar 22nd, 2021Wayward Heights Citizenship
21045Mar 21st, 2021An Eviction Posting...
21044Mar 21st, 2021Pure and Clear Darkwalker Propaganda
21043Mar 20th, 2021Musings on Chaos
21042Mar 17th, 2021Master Craft Award Winners!
21041Mar 16th, 2021The end result
21040Mar 16th, 2021Fragments of Pandora
21039Mar 16th, 2021In These Troubling Times
21038Mar 15th, 2021Cyrene's Response
21037Mar 14th, 2021An Opening Overture
21036Mar 14th, 2021A response
21035Mar 13th, 2021Hollow
21034Mar 13th, 2021The Last City
21033Mar 13th, 2021A few salient points
21032Mar 12th, 2021Cyrene
21031Mar 12th, 2021Tyranny of the Divine
21030Mar 11th, 2021Tenebrous Shores at the Former Muurn Lighthouse: Memories to Last a Lifetime
21029Mar 10th, 2021Better If...
21028Mar 10th, 2021clarification
21027Mar 10th, 2021Noted
21026Mar 10th, 2021Unfortunate
21025Mar 5th, 2021Phaestean Master Crafter Awards Deadline EXTENDED!
21024Mar 5th, 2021Oh
21023Mar 5th, 2021Your grand gesture is here

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