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Public News Post #21059

The High Warden, A Danger To Us All

Written by: Halfsighted Admiral Lyrikai da'Miras, Hoarder of Rum
Date: Tuesday, April 13th, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

I can't even believe that I am wasting the gold to write this drabble.
However... Jaksim is correct in what he writes. Adrik Bergson is a danger to himself and everyone around him. Maybe people should start by asking him why he got kicked from Hashan?
He is hot tempered and acts on emotion instead of having a level head about a lot of important situations. No doubt this post will get me enemied to the village as my last post did when he was Hashani and the Minister of War. He does not believe in freedom of speech, it's his way or the highway, and he doesn't believe in anything but war and hate.
The worst thing Eleusis could have done was welcome him with open arms. To my old home... my birthplace... Eleusis, please heed me when I say that this individual will bring utter sorrow and despair upon the village I once loved so much... You all are good people, I know it to be so because I see nothing but smiling, friendly faces when I come visit my old home. Please do not let this bloodthirsty imbecile turn you all into a war-mongering nation which is what he wishes to do. I know you all are better than that and a lot of you are against the thought of going to war with the rest of Sapience.
As for you, Adrik, you should be ashamed of yourself. What got you kicked from Hashan now you are pulling the same exact stunt just in a different location. Spreading hate amongst what is supposed to be a peaceful village. Shame on you.
- Dread Admiral Lyrikai da'Miras

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Miraman, in the year 856 AF.

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Public News Post #21059

The High Warden, A Danger To Us All

Written by: Halfsighted Admiral Lyrikai da'Miras, Hoarder of Rum
Date: Tuesday, April 13th, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

I can't even believe that I am wasting the gold to write this drabble.
However... Jaksim is correct in what he writes. Adrik Bergson is a danger to himself and everyone around him. Maybe people should start by asking him why he got kicked from Hashan?
He is hot tempered and acts on emotion instead of having a level head about a lot of important situations. No doubt this post will get me enemied to the village as my last post did when he was Hashani and the Minister of War. He does not believe in freedom of speech, it's his way or the highway, and he doesn't believe in anything but war and hate.
The worst thing Eleusis could have done was welcome him with open arms. To my old home... my birthplace... Eleusis, please heed me when I say that this individual will bring utter sorrow and despair upon the village I once loved so much... You all are good people, I know it to be so because I see nothing but smiling, friendly faces when I come visit my old home. Please do not let this bloodthirsty imbecile turn you all into a war-mongering nation which is what he wishes to do. I know you all are better than that and a lot of you are against the thought of going to war with the rest of Sapience.
As for you, Adrik, you should be ashamed of yourself. What got you kicked from Hashan now you are pulling the same exact stunt just in a different location. Spreading hate amongst what is supposed to be a peaceful village. Shame on you.
- Dread Admiral Lyrikai da'Miras

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Miraman, in the year 856 AF.

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