Achaean News

Announce News Posts: 2015-1976

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2015Jun 22nd, 2005Weave NewsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2014Jun 20th, 2005Credit packagesMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2013Jun 18th, 2005Today's CTFMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2012Jun 18th, 2005Today's CeremonyMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2011Jun 17th, 2005more reWeaving and the likeClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2010Jun 17th, 2005bardic/artisanals - slight changeClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2009Jun 17th, 2005May Bardic and Artisanal Contest RESULTSClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2008Jun 16th, 2005Bardic and Artisanal ContestsMakali, Goddess of DestructionEveryone
2007Jun 16th, 2005HOUSE MARRYMakali, Goddess of DestructionEveryone
2006Jun 15th, 2005House conceal/revealMakali, Goddess of DestructionEveryone
2005Jun 14th, 2005HouseranksMakali, Goddess of DestructionEveryone
2004Jan 1st, 1970
2003Jun 14th, 2005pets - a small updateClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2002Jun 14th, 2005CTF!Makali, Goddess of DestructionEveryone
2001Jun 14th, 2005Houses changes and fixesMakali, Goddess of DestructionEveryone
2000Jun 14th, 2005OAGTFCGProspero, the Merchant LordEveryone
1999Jun 14th, 2005Passing of the torch ceremonySarapis, the LogosEveryone
1998Jun 13th, 2005The Passing of one Era, the Dawning of the next.Sarapis, the LogosEveryone
1997Jun 13th, 2005New Maps!Makali, Goddess of DestructionEveryone
1996Jun 13th, 2005flame sigils and pipesMakali, Goddess of DestructionEveryone
1995Jun 13th, 2005House changesSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1994Jun 12th, 2005Various bugfixesMakali, Goddess of DestructionEveryone
1993Jun 12th, 2005Journals and MysteriesClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1992Jun 11th, 2005CWHOSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1991Jun 11th, 2005HousesSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1990Jun 10th, 2005HousesSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1989Jun 10th, 2005various Weaves and reWeavesClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1988Jun 8th, 2005HousesSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1987Jun 8th, 2005housingSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1986Jun 2nd, 2005a few Weaves and reWeavesClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1985May 29th, 2005Various Weaves and reWeavesClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1984May 26th, 2005Changing classClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1983May 23rd, 2005class channels - why, what for?Clementius, the WeaverEveryone
1982May 21st, 2005Newbies and PKSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1981May 21st, 2005re-WeavesClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1980May 18th, 2005recent Weavings and reWeavingsClementius, the Weaver.Everyone
1979May 18th, 2005the Future (and how Robot Monkeys figure into it)Sarapis, the LogosEveryone
1978May 17th, 2005Forest-related bug fixes, and TIMEMakali, Goddess of DestructionEveryone
1977May 16th, 2005Totems and ShopsLathis, Senior AdministratorEveryone
1976May 15th, 2005HousesSarapis, the LogosEveryone

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Announce News Posts: 2015-1976

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2015Jun 22nd, 2005Weave News
2014Jun 20th, 2005Credit packages
2013Jun 18th, 2005Today's CTF
2012Jun 18th, 2005Today's Ceremony
2011Jun 17th, 2005more reWeaving and the like
2010Jun 17th, 2005bardic/artisanals - slight change
2009Jun 17th, 2005May Bardic and Artisanal Contest RESULTS
2008Jun 16th, 2005Bardic and Artisanal Contests
2007Jun 16th, 2005HOUSE MARRY
2006Jun 15th, 2005House conceal/reveal
2005Jun 14th, 2005Houseranks
2004Jan 1st, 1970
2003Jun 14th, 2005pets - a small update
2002Jun 14th, 2005CTF!
2001Jun 14th, 2005Houses changes and fixes
2000Jun 14th, 2005OAGTFCG
1999Jun 14th, 2005Passing of the torch ceremony
1998Jun 13th, 2005The Passing of one Era, the Dawning of the next.
1997Jun 13th, 2005New Maps!
1996Jun 13th, 2005flame sigils and pipes
1995Jun 13th, 2005House changes
1994Jun 12th, 2005Various bugfixes
1993Jun 12th, 2005Journals and Mysteries
1992Jun 11th, 2005CWHO
1991Jun 11th, 2005Houses
1990Jun 10th, 2005Houses
1989Jun 10th, 2005various Weaves and reWeaves
1988Jun 8th, 2005Houses
1987Jun 8th, 2005housing
1986Jun 2nd, 2005a few Weaves and reWeaves
1985May 29th, 2005Various Weaves and reWeaves
1984May 26th, 2005Changing class
1983May 23rd, 2005class channels - why, what for?
1982May 21st, 2005Newbies and PK
1981May 21st, 2005re-Weaves
1980May 18th, 2005recent Weavings and reWeavings
1979May 18th, 2005the Future (and how Robot Monkeys figure into it)
1978May 17th, 2005Forest-related bug fixes, and TIME
1977May 16th, 2005Totems and Shops
1976May 15th, 2005Houses

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