Achaean News

Announce News Posts: 1822-1783

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1822Dec 17th, 2004Tolkien QuizSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1821Dec 17th, 2004more recent changes.Clementius, the WeaverEveryone
1820Dec 17th, 2004recent UpdatesClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1819Dec 17th, 2004November Artisanal and Bardic Award winners!Clementius, the WeaverEveryone
1818Dec 15th, 2004Recent reWeavingsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1817Dec 13th, 2004Guide ApplicationsMelchior, the Guide MasterEveryone
1816Dec 11th, 2004Game of the EyesSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1815Dec 10th, 2004Weavings, reWeavingsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1814Dec 9th, 2004ReWeavingsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1813Dec 8th, 2004partnershipsSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1812Dec 7th, 2004VisionSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1811Dec 7th, 2004cowardice change, and forcing multiple summoned entities togetherClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1810Dec 6th, 2004a couple of overlooked reWeavesClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1809Dec 6th, 2004HELP ZMUD and the voting button/scriptClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1808Dec 6th, 2004recent reWeavingsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1807Dec 6th, 2004Game of the EyesSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1806Dec 1st, 2004Artisanal and Bardic results for October submissionsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1805Nov 29th, 2004Forcing and issue rights.Lathis, Senior AdministratorEveryone
1804Nov 28th, 2004Results of the CTF competition - Victory, Cyrene!Clementius, the WeaverEveryone
1803Nov 25th, 2004corpses and praying for salvationSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1802Nov 25th, 2004praying for salvationSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1801Nov 25th, 2004some changesSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1800Nov 24th, 2004upcoming eventSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1799Nov 24th, 2004Infamy and being open pkClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1798Nov 24th, 2004Celani applications now closedClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1797Nov 23rd, 2004CTF!Clementius, the WeaverEveryone
1796Nov 20th, 2004Call for CELANIClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1795Nov 18th, 2004Child's PlaySarapis, the LogosEveryone
1794Nov 17th, 2004Ring of the Magus - new price!Clementius, the WeaverEveryone
1793Nov 17th, 2004worldgame weavingsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1792Nov 17th, 2004New artifact! Quill of InscribingClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1791Nov 16th, 2004recent re-WeavingsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1790Nov 16th, 2004payment methods for Russian customersSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1789Nov 16th, 2004Achaean QuizMakali, Goddess of DestructionEveryone
1788Nov 16th, 2004new chivalry abilitySarapis, the LogosEveryone
1787Nov 12th, 2004Dragons and languagesClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1786Nov 11th, 2004EVENTS updateClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1785Nov 11th, 2004Gods' meet 2004 picturesSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1784Nov 10th, 2004language learning completeClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1783Nov 10th, 2004language learning, part 1Clementius, the WeaverEveryone

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Announce News Posts: 1822-1783

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1822Dec 17th, 2004Tolkien Quiz
1821Dec 17th, 2004more recent changes.
1820Dec 17th, 2004recent Updates
1819Dec 17th, 2004November Artisanal and Bardic Award winners!
1818Dec 15th, 2004Recent reWeavings
1817Dec 13th, 2004Guide Applications
1816Dec 11th, 2004Game of the Eyes
1815Dec 10th, 2004Weavings, reWeavings
1814Dec 9th, 2004ReWeavings
1813Dec 8th, 2004partnerships
1812Dec 7th, 2004Vision
1811Dec 7th, 2004cowardice change, and forcing multiple summoned entities together
1810Dec 6th, 2004a couple of overlooked reWeaves
1809Dec 6th, 2004HELP ZMUD and the voting button/script
1808Dec 6th, 2004recent reWeavings
1807Dec 6th, 2004Game of the Eyes
1806Dec 1st, 2004Artisanal and Bardic results for October submissions
1805Nov 29th, 2004Forcing and issue rights.
1804Nov 28th, 2004Results of the CTF competition - Victory, Cyrene!
1803Nov 25th, 2004corpses and praying for salvation
1802Nov 25th, 2004praying for salvation
1801Nov 25th, 2004some changes
1800Nov 24th, 2004upcoming event
1799Nov 24th, 2004Infamy and being open pk
1798Nov 24th, 2004Celani applications now closed
1797Nov 23rd, 2004CTF!
1796Nov 20th, 2004Call for CELANI
1795Nov 18th, 2004Child's Play
1794Nov 17th, 2004Ring of the Magus - new price!
1793Nov 17th, 2004worldgame weavings
1792Nov 17th, 2004New artifact! Quill of Inscribing
1791Nov 16th, 2004recent re-Weavings
1790Nov 16th, 2004payment methods for Russian customers
1789Nov 16th, 2004Achaean Quiz
1788Nov 16th, 2004new chivalry ability
1787Nov 12th, 2004Dragons and languages
1786Nov 11th, 2004EVENTS update
1785Nov 11th, 2004Gods' meet 2004 pictures
1784Nov 10th, 2004language learning complete
1783Nov 10th, 2004language learning, part 1

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