Achaean News

Announce News Posts: 1862-1823

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1862Jan 31st, 2005Back end changes.Aeyr, God of MagicEveryone
1861Jan 31st, 2005WeavingsClementius, The WeaverEveryone
1860Jan 29th, 2005Messaging to HingarClementius, The WeaverEveryone
1859Jan 28th, 2005WeavingsClementius, The WeaverEveryone
1858Jan 27th, 2005Vertani plotSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1857Jan 26th, 2005Weavings and reWeavingsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1856Jan 25th, 2005votingSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1855Jan 25th, 2005container decay and pocketbeltsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1854Jan 21st, 2005Weavings WovenClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1853Jan 20th, 2005City guardsSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1852Jan 18th, 2005December Bardic and Artisanal competition results!Clementius, the WeaverEveryone
1851Jan 18th, 2005Weaving related to STATClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1850Jan 18th, 2005reWeavingClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1849Jan 17th, 2005Thera and Maim's MansionLathis, Senior AdministratorEveryone
1848Jan 16th, 2005TheraSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1847Jan 13th, 2005email difficultiesSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1846Jan 12th, 2005Open PK in Tasur'keLathis, Senior AdministratorEveryone
1845Jan 11th, 2005new elements to the WeaveClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1844Jan 10th, 2005LandmarksSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1843Jan 8th, 2005practitioners of the jeweller's craftClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1842Jan 5th, 2005Locks are fixedMakali, Goddess of DestructionEveryone
1841Jan 5th, 2005Gremlins and SycophantsSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1840Jan 5th, 2005AOLSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1839Jan 4th, 2005Locks bugMakali, Goddess of DestructionEveryone
1838Jan 4th, 2005Limits on quitting the Quisalis and Ivory MarksClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1837Jan 3rd, 2005minor changeSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1836Jan 3rd, 2005more minor reWeavesClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1835Dec 31st, 2004reWeavingsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1834Dec 29th, 2004various re-WeavesClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1833Dec 27th, 2004Bandersnatch and FoozleLathis, Senior AdministratorEveryone
1832Dec 27th, 2004Egghunts and PKLathis, Senior AdministratorEveryone
1831Dec 27th, 2004ignoring newsgroups - a slight reWeaveClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1830Dec 24th, 2004saleSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1829Dec 24th, 2004OOC announcement regarding the VertaniSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1828Dec 24th, 2004Recent reWeavings once more repeatedly over again for the second timeClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1827Dec 23rd, 2004Recent reWeavingsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
1826Dec 23rd, 2004OOC PK announcementSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1825Dec 22nd, 2004Denizen villages/organizationsSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1824Dec 22nd, 2004arenwatchSarapis, the LogosEveryone
1823Dec 21st, 2004minor reWeavings related to BUYING and Licensed Master ShopkeepersClementius, the WeaverEveryone

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Announce News Posts: 1862-1823

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1862Jan 31st, 2005Back end changes.
1861Jan 31st, 2005Weavings
1860Jan 29th, 2005Messaging to Hingar
1859Jan 28th, 2005Weavings
1858Jan 27th, 2005Vertani plot
1857Jan 26th, 2005Weavings and reWeavings
1856Jan 25th, 2005voting
1855Jan 25th, 2005container decay and pocketbelts
1854Jan 21st, 2005Weavings Woven
1853Jan 20th, 2005City guards
1852Jan 18th, 2005December Bardic and Artisanal competition results!
1851Jan 18th, 2005Weaving related to STAT
1850Jan 18th, 2005reWeaving
1849Jan 17th, 2005Thera and Maim's Mansion
1848Jan 16th, 2005Thera
1847Jan 13th, 2005email difficulties
1846Jan 12th, 2005Open PK in Tasur'ke
1845Jan 11th, 2005new elements to the Weave
1844Jan 10th, 2005Landmarks
1843Jan 8th, 2005practitioners of the jeweller's craft
1842Jan 5th, 2005Locks are fixed
1841Jan 5th, 2005Gremlins and Sycophants
1840Jan 5th, 2005AOL
1839Jan 4th, 2005Locks bug
1838Jan 4th, 2005Limits on quitting the Quisalis and Ivory Marks
1837Jan 3rd, 2005minor change
1836Jan 3rd, 2005more minor reWeaves
1835Dec 31st, 2004reWeavings
1834Dec 29th, 2004various re-Weaves
1833Dec 27th, 2004Bandersnatch and Foozle
1832Dec 27th, 2004Egghunts and PK
1831Dec 27th, 2004ignoring newsgroups - a slight reWeave
1830Dec 24th, 2004sale
1829Dec 24th, 2004OOC announcement regarding the Vertani
1828Dec 24th, 2004Recent reWeavings once more repeatedly over again for the second time
1827Dec 23rd, 2004Recent reWeavings
1826Dec 23rd, 2004OOC PK announcement
1825Dec 22nd, 2004Denizen villages/organizations
1824Dec 22nd, 2004arenwatch
1823Dec 21st, 2004minor reWeavings related to BUYING and Licensed Master Shopkeepers

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