Achaean News

Public News Posts: 21382-21343

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21382May 26th, 2022In words you can understandDythesaShadow Arbiter Augtavian Lockwood, Champion of the 902 games
21381May 26th, 2022The path forwardSpeaker Andraste Montenegro, the Onyx RavenShadow Arbiter Augtavian Lockwood, Champion of the 902 games
21380May 26th, 2022A better wayShadow Arbiter Augtavian Lockwood, Champion of the 902 gamesThe City of Eleusis
21379May 24th, 2022Gaia's gaping, sappy knotholeGrandue Xeh'ria, Keeper of the Iron CrownEveryone
21378May 24th, 2022Words and raidsPosieAda Young, of the Emerald Clover
21377May 23rd, 2022Progress TriumphantAroan, Epopt of WintertideThe City of Hashan
21376May 23rd, 2022Those poor posies!Ada Young, of the Emerald CloverPosie
21375May 23rd, 2022SadnessAda Young, of the Emerald CloverCaptain Lyrikai Winterhart
21374May 23rd, 2022Round and round we goPosieAda Young, of the Emerald Clover
21373May 23rd, 2022Saddened by recent eventsCaptain Lyrikai WinterhartThe City of Eleusis
21372May 22nd, 2022Stop posing, start doing.Ada Young, of the Emerald CloverPosie
21371May 22nd, 2022The Present's OrdinaryLarasEveryone
21370May 22nd, 2022Sacrifice and CivilisationPosieFarrah Roualt
21369May 22nd, 2022ListeningAroan, Epopt of WintertideEmissary Stheno
21368May 22nd, 2022Flawed ConjurationsTruax Valeth, Oracle of the ThornEmissary Stheno
21367May 22nd, 2022ActionsFarrah RoualtEmissary Stheno
21366May 22nd, 2022Listen and RecallEmissary SthenoHierophant Aodfionn Wintermourne, the Owl
21365May 22nd, 2022The arrogance of the civilizedHierophant Aodfionn Wintermourne, the OwlEmissary Stheno
21364May 22nd, 2022GratitudeEmissary SthenoGaia, Goddess of Nature
21363May 21st, 2022SacrificeFarrah RoualtEveryone
21362May 21st, 2022LaughableResearcher Grif, Chevalier of CadaversRaging Santar Darkwind, King of the Jungle
21361May 21st, 2022An offer and a threatRaging Santar Darkwind, King of the JungleEveryone
21360May 21st, 2022IdealsLandon StormcrowEveryone
21359May 21st, 2022Mistaken assumptionsGrumpy old Colgano Vorondil, Barely FineGrandue Xeh'ria, Keeper of the Iron Crown
21358May 21st, 2022The Poison Filled ThroatGrandue Xeh'ria, Keeper of the Iron CrownEveryone
21357May 21st, 2022HardshipVhir Entaro Nithilar, Tyrannus of MhaldorThe City of Eleusis
21356May 11th, 2022Outrider Order Lecture - UPDATEAmbassador Clodhna A. Evenstar, the Black LilyEveryone
21355May 8th, 2022Outrider Order Lectures - PandoraAmbassador Clodhna A. Evenstar, the Black LilyEveryone
21354May 2nd, 2022GoodbyeDraqoom Van Helsing, MadcapEveryone
21353May 2nd, 2022The Three Forms of Healthy DialogueSaelilyEveryone
21352Apr 13th, 2022Outrider Order LecturesAmbassador Clodhna Evenstar, the Black LilyEveryone
21351Apr 11th, 2022LecturesLaedha Vorondil, Mountain MinstrelEveryone
21350Apr 11th, 2022Admirable ZealotryAina DarkeRoualt, the Redeemer
21349Apr 11th, 2022An unusual requestRomantic Annase D'Arcangeli-Malicieux, ComedianEveryone
21348Apr 11th, 2022Outrider Order Lectures - Lord ScarlattiAmbassador Clodhna Evenstar, the Black LilyEveryone
21347Apr 10th, 2022The Blessing of the CurseGrandue Xeh'ria, Keeper of the CrownThe City of Targossas
21346Apr 10th, 2022Outrider Order Lectures - Lord ScarlattiAmbassador Clodhna Evenstar, the Black LilyEveryone
21345Apr 10th, 2022Outrider Order Lectures - Lord ScarlattiAmbassador Clodhna Evenstar, the Black LilyEveryone
21344Apr 9th, 2022The Grand Gleam of ThingsSeeker of the Path, Aina DarkeEveryone
21343Apr 9th, 2022Outrider Order Lectures - Lord ScarlattiAmbassador Clodhna Evenstar, the Black LilyEveryone

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Public News Posts: 21382-21343

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21382May 26th, 2022In words you can understand
21381May 26th, 2022The path forward
21380May 26th, 2022A better way
21379May 24th, 2022Gaia's gaping, sappy knothole
21378May 24th, 2022Words and raids
21377May 23rd, 2022Progress Triumphant
21376May 23rd, 2022Those poor posies!
21375May 23rd, 2022Sadness
21374May 23rd, 2022Round and round we go
21373May 23rd, 2022Saddened by recent events
21372May 22nd, 2022Stop posing, start doing.
21371May 22nd, 2022The Present's Ordinary
21370May 22nd, 2022Sacrifice and Civilisation
21369May 22nd, 2022Listening
21368May 22nd, 2022Flawed Conjurations
21367May 22nd, 2022Actions
21366May 22nd, 2022Listen and Recall
21365May 22nd, 2022The arrogance of the civilized
21364May 22nd, 2022Gratitude
21363May 21st, 2022Sacrifice
21362May 21st, 2022Laughable
21361May 21st, 2022An offer and a threat
21360May 21st, 2022Ideals
21359May 21st, 2022Mistaken assumptions
21358May 21st, 2022The Poison Filled Throat
21357May 21st, 2022Hardship
21356May 11th, 2022Outrider Order Lecture - UPDATE
21355May 8th, 2022Outrider Order Lectures - Pandora
21354May 2nd, 2022Goodbye
21353May 2nd, 2022The Three Forms of Healthy Dialogue
21352Apr 13th, 2022Outrider Order Lectures
21351Apr 11th, 2022Lectures
21350Apr 11th, 2022Admirable Zealotry
21349Apr 11th, 2022An unusual request
21348Apr 11th, 2022Outrider Order Lectures - Lord Scarlatti
21347Apr 10th, 2022The Blessing of the Curse
21346Apr 10th, 2022Outrider Order Lectures - Lord Scarlatti
21345Apr 10th, 2022Outrider Order Lectures - Lord Scarlatti
21344Apr 9th, 2022The Grand Gleam of Things
21343Apr 9th, 2022Outrider Order Lectures - Lord Scarlatti

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