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Public News Post #21367


Written by: Farrah Roualt
Date: Sunday, May 22nd, 2022
Addressed to: Emissary Stheno


Actions speak louder than words. While you consort with the very Chaotes you claim to oppose and do nothing to benefit the world, we act.

While you waste your life away praising Usurpers for Their happenstance acquisition of the Primordial Flame, we act.

You appear to believe we are too violent, but your gods order assaults on cities simply for allowing others to speak. And why would They so fear mere words if not because They are false?

Targossas spits on those who would serve the realm, if they would so much as speak Truth while doing so. Targossas has no allies because Targossas cares only for its own comfort.

Targossas is a rot with no purpose, with no principles it can maintain for more than a few months, with no knowledge or particular skill. Indeed, it wishes to eradicate most of us itself, and has far less reason than we do.

No one doubts that the Earthmother can be cruel. Winter is cruel. The wolf that hunts is cruel. But She is what She is.

At least She is not a pretender.

In service,

Farrah Roualt
of the Owl

Penned by my hand on the 4th of Lupar, in the year 888 AF.

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Public News Post #21367


Written by: Farrah Roualt
Date: Sunday, May 22nd, 2022
Addressed to: Emissary Stheno


Actions speak louder than words. While you consort with the very Chaotes you claim to oppose and do nothing to benefit the world, we act.

While you waste your life away praising Usurpers for Their happenstance acquisition of the Primordial Flame, we act.

You appear to believe we are too violent, but your gods order assaults on cities simply for allowing others to speak. And why would They so fear mere words if not because They are false?

Targossas spits on those who would serve the realm, if they would so much as speak Truth while doing so. Targossas has no allies because Targossas cares only for its own comfort.

Targossas is a rot with no purpose, with no principles it can maintain for more than a few months, with no knowledge or particular skill. Indeed, it wishes to eradicate most of us itself, and has far less reason than we do.

No one doubts that the Earthmother can be cruel. Winter is cruel. The wolf that hunts is cruel. But She is what She is.

At least She is not a pretender.

In service,

Farrah Roualt
of the Owl

Penned by my hand on the 4th of Lupar, in the year 888 AF.

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