Achaean News

Announce News Posts: 2382-2343

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2382Nov 21st, 2006Holiday Bonus for Credit Purchases!Maya, the Great MotherEveryone
2381Nov 9th, 2006Weaves, reWeaves, semivisible Weaves, etc.Clementius, the WeaverEveryone
2380Nov 6th, 2006Accepting Guide ApplicationsMelchior, the Guide MasterEveryone
2379Nov 3rd, 2006Clarification on HELP BARDIC and originality of submissionsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2378Nov 2nd, 2006Bards updatesMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2377Oct 31st, 2006September Bardic contest results!Clementius, the WeaverEveryone
2376Oct 30th, 2006a bit of tidying in the WeaveClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2375Oct 28th, 200630% xp bonus!Maya, the Great MotherEveryone
2374Oct 27th, 2006Chivalry Mastery & Fury, plus Devotion FervourMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2373Oct 25th, 2006Griesly Family ManorMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2372Oct 23rd, 2006Player Appreciation Week - gift, sale, and bonus for YOU!Clementius, the WeaverEveryone
2371Oct 17th, 2006Achaea forums URLMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2370Oct 17th, 2006A few loose endsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2369Oct 14th, 2006Chroniclers of LoreMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2368Oct 13th, 2006Mayaween Costumes and More!MerenteshEveryone
2367Oct 13th, 2006Illustrated world mapMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2366Oct 12th, 2006Weaves and reWeavesClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2365Oct 12th, 2006Friends and RivalsMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2364Oct 9th, 2006Classleads, and misc.Maya, the Great MotherEveryone
2363Oct 6th, 2006background colours, and a bit more in SHOWClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2362Oct 6th, 2006SHOW LESSONS IN Clementius, the WeaverEveryone
2361Oct 4th, 2006A WORD of POWER for you allRadekk, of ActarEveryone
2360Oct 4th, 2006Alignment change from PK, swiftmountMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2359Oct 3rd, 2006More classleads changes - devotion, chivalryMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2358Sep 30th, 2006Classleads-relatedMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2357Sep 23rd, 2006MeMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2356Sep 19th, 2006New port for accessing AchaeaClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2355Sep 18th, 2006more newbie messages and warningsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2354Sep 15th, 2006a few new one-time messagesClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2353Sep 13th, 2006customising and collaring class loyalsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2352Sep 12th, 2006chwho updateClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2351Sep 11th, 2006August Bard/Art competition award winners!Clementius, the WeaverEveryone
2350Sep 11th, 2006Behind the scenesMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2349Sep 11th, 2006Miscellaneous fixes.Maya, the Great MotherEveryone
2348Sep 11th, 2006Church commands improvements, fixesMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2347Sep 8th, 2006Changing or Removing PatronsClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2346Sep 7th, 2006Accepting Guide ApplicationsMelchior, the Guide MasterEveryone
2345Sep 6th, 2006allies, enemies, and some great stuff comingClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2344Sep 6th, 2006Database maintenance: WED about 3pm/1500 GMTClementius, the WeaverEveryone
2343Sep 4th, 2006Vegas Godsmeet 2006 photosMaya, the Great MotherEveryone

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Announce News Posts: 2382-2343

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2382Nov 21st, 2006Holiday Bonus for Credit Purchases!
2381Nov 9th, 2006Weaves, reWeaves, semivisible Weaves, etc.
2380Nov 6th, 2006Accepting Guide Applications
2379Nov 3rd, 2006Clarification on HELP BARDIC and originality of submissions
2378Nov 2nd, 2006Bards updates
2377Oct 31st, 2006September Bardic contest results!
2376Oct 30th, 2006a bit of tidying in the Weave
2375Oct 28th, 200630% xp bonus!
2374Oct 27th, 2006Chivalry Mastery & Fury, plus Devotion Fervour
2373Oct 25th, 2006Griesly Family Manor
2372Oct 23rd, 2006Player Appreciation Week - gift, sale, and bonus for YOU!
2371Oct 17th, 2006Achaea forums URL
2370Oct 17th, 2006A few loose ends
2369Oct 14th, 2006Chroniclers of Lore
2368Oct 13th, 2006Mayaween Costumes and More!
2367Oct 13th, 2006Illustrated world map
2366Oct 12th, 2006Weaves and reWeaves
2365Oct 12th, 2006Friends and Rivals
2364Oct 9th, 2006Classleads, and misc.
2363Oct 6th, 2006background colours, and a bit more in SHOW
2362Oct 6th, 2006SHOW LESSONS IN
2361Oct 4th, 2006A WORD of POWER for you all
2360Oct 4th, 2006Alignment change from PK, swiftmount
2359Oct 3rd, 2006More classleads changes - devotion, chivalry
2358Sep 30th, 2006Classleads-related
2357Sep 23rd, 2006Me
2356Sep 19th, 2006New port for accessing Achaea
2355Sep 18th, 2006more newbie messages and warnings
2354Sep 15th, 2006a few new one-time messages
2353Sep 13th, 2006customising and collaring class loyals
2352Sep 12th, 2006chwho update
2351Sep 11th, 2006August Bard/Art competition award winners!
2350Sep 11th, 2006Behind the scenes
2349Sep 11th, 2006Miscellaneous fixes.
2348Sep 11th, 2006Church commands improvements, fixes
2347Sep 8th, 2006Changing or Removing Patrons
2346Sep 7th, 2006Accepting Guide Applications
2345Sep 6th, 2006allies, enemies, and some great stuff coming
2344Sep 6th, 2006Database maintenance: WED about 3pm/1500 GMT
2343Sep 4th, 2006Vegas Godsmeet 2006 photos

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