(See also: HELP ELEMENTALISM, HELP CRYSTALISM, HELP ARTIFICING, HELP 8, HELP CLASS) Magi wield the powers of the elements, primal forces predating the dawn of time and once province of slain Agatheis. Crafting foci of power in their enigmatic workshops and forming treaties with beings who dwell in the ordered Planes from beyond the Prime, an archmagi's abilities are as myriad as they are formidable. Combined with their mastery of crystalline vibrations and an unparalleled capacity for mass devastation, these students of the arcane are to be feared on any battlefield, be it academic or martial. The skills wielded by those of Magi class are Elementalism, Crystalism, and Artificing. A fledgling in this class will possess Elementalism and Crystalism, gaining Artificing upon embracing class. (See also: HELP ELEMENTALISM, HELP CRYSTALISM, HELP ARTIFICING, HELP 8, HELP CLASS)