Achaean News

Public News Posts: 21962-21923

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21962Aug 15th, 2024An apologyAugtavian LockwoodSir Kinilan Demaxx, The Exile
21961Aug 13th, 2024An apology and better understandingAugtavian BaudelaireScarlatti, the Great Bard
21960Aug 13th, 2024The Prophet of no gods enters stage leftAugtavian BaudelaireEveryone
21959Aug 11th, 2024Be changedm, or be undone.AugtavianEveryone
21958Aug 11th, 2024A Cordial WarningTahquil Maris, Hedgehog of the ValleyEveryone
21957Aug 7th, 2024Burdock Donations of 953 AF, And A Very Special ScrollAnnase Doudegen D'ArcangeliEveryone
21956Aug 3rd, 2024DivinationSanguine Badriyah L. Visindi, Vassal of Ser ArdorEveryone
21955Aug 1st, 2024Public 50/50 Lotto!Thrall Treischt Doudegen-D'ArcangeliEveryone
21954Jul 24th, 2024Burdock Donations of 952 AFAnnaseEveryone
21953Jul 22nd, 2024Seeking Information on Lord LucretiusIta Rousseau-Danai, Lady Librarian of Literary LoreEveryone
21952Jul 22nd, 2024The Second Asterian Joust ResultsSer Aerek Ancyrion, Knight ArbiterEveryone
21951Jul 21st, 2024The Sport of JoustingSir Kresslack MatroseEveryone
21950Jul 20th, 2024The Day Approaches.Seneschal Nezaya Visindi, WitchEveryone
21949Jul 19th, 2024WillSer Aerek Ancyrion, Knight ArbiterWarlord Ulvin Devi, Squire of Sir Archaeon
21948Jul 18th, 2024On Bad Faith RhetoricScarlattan Taelle StarlingWarlord Ulvin Devi, Squire of Sir Archaeon
21947Jul 18th, 2024The Rising TideWarlord Ulvin Devi, Squire of Sir ArchaeonEveryone
21946Jul 17th, 2024Research project on ThiesekhFarstrider Fyrai 'Firecracker' FortunaEveryone
21945Jul 15th, 2024GMC World Games MarketLaytron's Chef, Sydari Seir, The Silver DragonflyEveryone
21944Jul 15th, 2024The MountainSeneschal Nezaya Visindi, WitchEveryone
21943Jul 15th, 2024The Perils of Silence and the Breaking ThereofSeneschal Nezaya Visindi, WitchDawnlord Yen Jaydde-Stormcrow, Grace Serene
21942Jul 14th, 2024The Black HearthOverseer Grandue Xeh'ria, Keeper of the Iron CrownDawnlord Yen Jaydde-Stormcrow, Grace Serene
21941Jul 14th, 2024Targossas and the entityDawnlord Yen Jaydde-Stormcrow, Grace SereneEveryone
21940Jul 14th, 2024Targossians Banned from HashanSeneschal Nezaya Visindi, WitchDawnlord Yen Jaydde-Stormcrow, Grace Serene
21939Jul 14th, 2024On the Grimoire EntityScarlattan Taelle StarlingEveryone
21938Jul 14th, 2024oodatodaySir ArchaeonJems Aristata, Tomekeeper of the Black Cathedral
21937Jul 13th, 2024Entity of the Grimoire of SoulsHigh Artiste Darona 'Step Into my Office' FiredancerEveryone
21936Jul 13th, 2024Update on Excommunication GuidelinesJems Aristata, Tomekeeper of the Black CathedralEveryone
21935Jul 13th, 2024The Second Asterian JoustSer Aerek Ancyrion, Knight ArbiterEveryone
21934Jul 12th, 2024Burdock Donations of 951 AFAnnase Doudegen D'ArcangeliEveryone
21933Jul 1st, 2024Seeking Actors and Musicians - New Play!High Artiste Darona FiredancerEveryone
21932Jun 30th, 2024Cauda RubraKhalasian Wanderer, Asmodron Dicondron, Herald of ProgressEveryone
21931Jun 29th, 2024Burdock Donations of 950 AFAnnase Si'TalvaceEveryone
21930Jun 27th, 2024A Response to 'V. Snipwell'Scarlattan Taelle StarlingEveryone
21929Jun 27th, 2024On Blowing One's HornScarlattan Taelle StarlingSir Kinilan Demaxx, The Exile
21928Jun 27th, 2024A ReminderSir Kinilan Demaxx, The ExileEmperor Emeritus Imyrr Invictus, the Wayward Avatar
21927Jun 25th, 2024Berets!SaelilyEveryone
21926Jun 23rd, 2024Stay Awhile, If You WillThrall Glyc Van HelsingDr. Antreus Atreide, the Thanatologist
21925Jun 23rd, 2024Grimoire of SoulsDr. Antreus Atreide, the ThanatologistEveryone
21924Jun 22nd, 2024Do not listen to the whispersWarlord Ulvin Devi, Squire of Sir ArchaeonEveryone
21923Jun 22nd, 2024A risk had to be takenLibrarian and Cupcake, Annase D'Arcangeli-MalicieuxEveryone

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Public News Posts: 21962-21923

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21962Aug 15th, 2024An apology
21961Aug 13th, 2024An apology and better understanding
21960Aug 13th, 2024The Prophet of no gods enters stage left
21959Aug 11th, 2024Be changedm, or be undone.
21958Aug 11th, 2024A Cordial Warning
21957Aug 7th, 2024Burdock Donations of 953 AF, And A Very Special Scroll
21956Aug 3rd, 2024Divination
21955Aug 1st, 2024Public 50/50 Lotto!
21954Jul 24th, 2024Burdock Donations of 952 AF
21953Jul 22nd, 2024Seeking Information on Lord Lucretius
21952Jul 22nd, 2024The Second Asterian Joust Results
21951Jul 21st, 2024The Sport of Jousting
21950Jul 20th, 2024The Day Approaches.
21949Jul 19th, 2024Will
21948Jul 18th, 2024On Bad Faith Rhetoric
21947Jul 18th, 2024The Rising Tide
21946Jul 17th, 2024Research project on Thiesekh
21945Jul 15th, 2024GMC World Games Market
21944Jul 15th, 2024The Mountain
21943Jul 15th, 2024The Perils of Silence and the Breaking Thereof
21942Jul 14th, 2024The Black Hearth
21941Jul 14th, 2024Targossas and the entity
21940Jul 14th, 2024Targossians Banned from Hashan
21939Jul 14th, 2024On the Grimoire Entity
21938Jul 14th, 2024oodatoday
21937Jul 13th, 2024Entity of the Grimoire of Souls
21936Jul 13th, 2024Update on Excommunication Guidelines
21935Jul 13th, 2024The Second Asterian Joust
21934Jul 12th, 2024Burdock Donations of 951 AF
21933Jul 1st, 2024Seeking Actors and Musicians - New Play!
21932Jun 30th, 2024Cauda Rubra
21931Jun 29th, 2024Burdock Donations of 950 AF
21930Jun 27th, 2024A Response to 'V. Snipwell'
21929Jun 27th, 2024On Blowing One's Horn
21928Jun 27th, 2024A Reminder
21927Jun 25th, 2024Berets!
21926Jun 23rd, 2024Stay Awhile, If You Will
21925Jun 23rd, 2024Grimoire of Souls
21924Jun 22nd, 2024Do not listen to the whispers
21923Jun 22nd, 2024A risk had to be taken

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