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Public News Post #21960

The Prophet of no gods enters stage left

Written by: Augtavian Baudelaire
Date: Tuesday, August 13th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Logosa blessings,

This missive has been long in coming. In these past months, my strides have hastened beyond what I ever imagined possible. Many have called this time the flowering of my madness, yet I tell you it was not so. The gods, in their infinite wisdom, have chosen to afflict my modest portion of the Logos with revelation upon revelation, each more soul-searing than the last. Yes, I was a madman, but one running bare down the streets, crying "Eureka!" to any who could decipher my scattered words.

Many have questioned my motives, and justly so. I shall be the first to admit that thus far, my words have outpaced my deeds. Now that I have passed my struggle to Hashan, I find myself at liberty to share a few details.

It is my conviction that the gods are not merely urging us towards a higher purposea"hey are positively clamouring for it. Allow me to present some evidence, and you may judge for yourself. Let us begin with recent events and trace our way back. Tell me if I miss anything.

Project Starsong: Hashan aided the divine in mourning and reigniting the fallen stars. All Hashani were summoned to contemplate the gods, to craft rituals, and to ponder how they might express grief. By offering alms to the divine, we restored the starsa"e, mere mortals.

The Karth: The Great Bard showed us that there are still uncharted lands to explore. We learned that insults delivered in rhyming couplets are far less venomous. We discovered the profound influence of our gods on foreign cultures. And let us not forget how we traumatised one poor Attend with nightmares as we, thirty-strong, advanced upon him with outstretched hands, chanting "Did you get my charm?" and pelting him relentlessly if he so much as hesitated! Glorious times!

The Battle of Memory: Did we not stand united as one? Did we not bear the entire regard of the Pantheon? Did the gods themselves not join forces, expecting us to do the same? Did you not serve under a foreign god, fulfilling your mission with dutiful zeal? And did the divine not celebrate your triumph?

The Unbroken Chain: An Ashtani addressed us, uniting our hearts and lifting our spirits (to my shame, I was flippant and dismissive, though in truth, I envied such oratory skill). We took to the field as a single force! We studied our enemies, gathered intelligence, and put it to use! Was it flawless? No. But we stood together as a trained legion, united in purpose. Together, we darkened the sky with a dazzling array of dragon hues! With tooth, claw, and smouldering breath, we won the day and upheld the covenant between Dragon and Divine.

Pandora's Shrine Trickery: Pandora made us reflect on the nature of divinity by gifting each of us, great and small, with a shrine of our own.

I know I am omitting much, but the point remainsa"he gods speak, if you are willing to listen.

Of course, they can also be petty, neglectful, and cruel. They may ignore you, and should you attract their attention, you might discover a novel and intriguing way to meet your end. I would delve deeper into this, but every time I do, I find myself unwelcome in certain places. Not that it concerns me. The gods have mostly overlooked me, and I see little chance of that changing.

The title "Prophet of no gods" suits me, so why not wear it proudly?

In closing, I believe there is a better way to livea" way that allows you to offer alms and glean wisdom from all the gods. Before I embarked on this journey, I would have told you it was a simple choice. Now, as I look back on the smouldering bridges and charred trails I have left in my wake, I would advise more caution than I exercised. Yet, if you are bold as I, follow the smoke, and you will surely find me.

There is much more to come, so much more to explain. I hope this small taste has left you hungry for more.

Prophet of no gods,
Augtavian Lockwood

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Lupar, in the year 953 AF.

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Public News Post #21960

The Prophet of no gods enters stage left

Written by: Augtavian Baudelaire
Date: Tuesday, August 13th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Logosa blessings,

This missive has been long in coming. In these past months, my strides have hastened beyond what I ever imagined possible. Many have called this time the flowering of my madness, yet I tell you it was not so. The gods, in their infinite wisdom, have chosen to afflict my modest portion of the Logos with revelation upon revelation, each more soul-searing than the last. Yes, I was a madman, but one running bare down the streets, crying "Eureka!" to any who could decipher my scattered words.

Many have questioned my motives, and justly so. I shall be the first to admit that thus far, my words have outpaced my deeds. Now that I have passed my struggle to Hashan, I find myself at liberty to share a few details.

It is my conviction that the gods are not merely urging us towards a higher purposea"hey are positively clamouring for it. Allow me to present some evidence, and you may judge for yourself. Let us begin with recent events and trace our way back. Tell me if I miss anything.

Project Starsong: Hashan aided the divine in mourning and reigniting the fallen stars. All Hashani were summoned to contemplate the gods, to craft rituals, and to ponder how they might express grief. By offering alms to the divine, we restored the starsa"e, mere mortals.

The Karth: The Great Bard showed us that there are still uncharted lands to explore. We learned that insults delivered in rhyming couplets are far less venomous. We discovered the profound influence of our gods on foreign cultures. And let us not forget how we traumatised one poor Attend with nightmares as we, thirty-strong, advanced upon him with outstretched hands, chanting "Did you get my charm?" and pelting him relentlessly if he so much as hesitated! Glorious times!

The Battle of Memory: Did we not stand united as one? Did we not bear the entire regard of the Pantheon? Did the gods themselves not join forces, expecting us to do the same? Did you not serve under a foreign god, fulfilling your mission with dutiful zeal? And did the divine not celebrate your triumph?

The Unbroken Chain: An Ashtani addressed us, uniting our hearts and lifting our spirits (to my shame, I was flippant and dismissive, though in truth, I envied such oratory skill). We took to the field as a single force! We studied our enemies, gathered intelligence, and put it to use! Was it flawless? No. But we stood together as a trained legion, united in purpose. Together, we darkened the sky with a dazzling array of dragon hues! With tooth, claw, and smouldering breath, we won the day and upheld the covenant between Dragon and Divine.

Pandora's Shrine Trickery: Pandora made us reflect on the nature of divinity by gifting each of us, great and small, with a shrine of our own.

I know I am omitting much, but the point remainsa"he gods speak, if you are willing to listen.

Of course, they can also be petty, neglectful, and cruel. They may ignore you, and should you attract their attention, you might discover a novel and intriguing way to meet your end. I would delve deeper into this, but every time I do, I find myself unwelcome in certain places. Not that it concerns me. The gods have mostly overlooked me, and I see little chance of that changing.

The title "Prophet of no gods" suits me, so why not wear it proudly?

In closing, I believe there is a better way to livea" way that allows you to offer alms and glean wisdom from all the gods. Before I embarked on this journey, I would have told you it was a simple choice. Now, as I look back on the smouldering bridges and charred trails I have left in my wake, I would advise more caution than I exercised. Yet, if you are bold as I, follow the smoke, and you will surely find me.

There is much more to come, so much more to explain. I hope this small taste has left you hungry for more.

Prophet of no gods,
Augtavian Lockwood

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Lupar, in the year 953 AF.

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