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Public News Post #21939

On the Grimoire Entity

Written by: Scarlattan Taelle Starling
Date: Sunday, July 14th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Faefolk,

First, I apologise for not bringing this information to light sooner. I have been mulling over many details regarding the nature of the entity from the Grimoire of Souls, and gathering information from people who have had various experiences with it. It is high time I share what I have learned.

First, on the nature of the thing. The entity is not inherently malicious or cruel. It acts out of a malformed affection for living beings who, for reasons of their own, quietly despair. These reasons can range from anything such as feelings of inadequacy, regret, or isolation, to yearning for departed loved ones. It is drawn, in particular, to adventurers, I believe because adventurers live their lives facing danger, and on some subconcious level have become familiar with the constant threat to their own mortality.

Secondly, mortal emotional responses directed towards this entity shape its personality. It is, in essence, a mirror. It is a dark reflection, to be fair, but it is a reflection of one's heart. If one behaves aggressively towards it, it will grow more aggressive. If one is cordial and polite, it will grow more pleasant. This does not affect its goal, which is to ultimately bring an end to what it perceives as mortal suffering through permanent death, from which there is no return.

Thirdly, to accomplish the aformentioned goal, this entity will isolate its target, amplify the negative thoughts housed in the target's subconscious, and emphasise itself as an unwavering solution for said target's suffering. I have witnessed firsthand how this entity will coax and cajole its target into believing its life is hopeless, beyond redemption, and better off ended. It did this to Javien before my very eyes, and neither my words nor actions, nor those of Javien's brother, Javian, could reach him. Make no mistake: this is murder by persuasion and deception. It twists the heart by promising its prey a life of endless torment with the only cure being death.

Next, I will explain how to survive the entity. Adventurers and denizens alike, take heed: the solution is both painfully simple, yet difficult to articulate.

Choose life.

The entity is, at its core, bound by the choices of its target. I have evidence to suggest that by adamantly choosing to live, one can stave off the entity's attentions.

First, I had an exchange with the entity shortly before it took Amadeo and Altaca from Cyrene. In this exchange, the entity spoke thusly: "I am no thief; every soul I've embraced pleaded for liberation. There is much for you to comprehend, and time, inexhaustible, awaits your enlightenment." I, however, had firmly stated, "I know you, entity. I have flirted with you before myself. But it is by my own choice that I yet live. And that choice is mine to make, not yours." To this statement, it responded, "...if your desire is to evade death's embrace in your tale, so it shall be - such is the simplicity of choice."

Second, I point to the only denizen thus far to survive the entity's approach: Javian. Javian has had cause to despair. He witnessed his brother consumed by darkness and ushered into Death before his eyes. He saw his father's fall into depression. He aches for his mother, long since departed from this mortal coil. But Javian lived, when others did not. I believe the cause of this two be twofold: first, Javian holds tight to the dear memories of his loved ones. He was recently bequeathed a gift that helps him remember his brother in happier ways. Next, in my conversation with him following his brother's passing, I urged him to live. I reminded him that his brother would be happy if he did, if he kept reading, if he one day grew up to tell his own tales to his own children. I believe Javian took this to heart, and when he was faced with the whispers of the entity, he chose life.

I do not know what rituals may appease, seal, or banish this entity. I do not believe it can be slain. I do not know that it can even be stopped. But it has to make you choose. It has to make you choose to succumb to despair, but you needn't do so. Life, in all its infinite possibilities, holds so much more for all of you. Do not believe its words, even if they ring true, for they paint only the blackest signs and the bleakest images.

My friends, my foes, my peers: choose life.

Choose life.

In Song,
Taelle Starling

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Aeguary, in the year 951 AF.

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Public News Post #21939

On the Grimoire Entity

Written by: Scarlattan Taelle Starling
Date: Sunday, July 14th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Faefolk,

First, I apologise for not bringing this information to light sooner. I have been mulling over many details regarding the nature of the entity from the Grimoire of Souls, and gathering information from people who have had various experiences with it. It is high time I share what I have learned.

First, on the nature of the thing. The entity is not inherently malicious or cruel. It acts out of a malformed affection for living beings who, for reasons of their own, quietly despair. These reasons can range from anything such as feelings of inadequacy, regret, or isolation, to yearning for departed loved ones. It is drawn, in particular, to adventurers, I believe because adventurers live their lives facing danger, and on some subconcious level have become familiar with the constant threat to their own mortality.

Secondly, mortal emotional responses directed towards this entity shape its personality. It is, in essence, a mirror. It is a dark reflection, to be fair, but it is a reflection of one's heart. If one behaves aggressively towards it, it will grow more aggressive. If one is cordial and polite, it will grow more pleasant. This does not affect its goal, which is to ultimately bring an end to what it perceives as mortal suffering through permanent death, from which there is no return.

Thirdly, to accomplish the aformentioned goal, this entity will isolate its target, amplify the negative thoughts housed in the target's subconscious, and emphasise itself as an unwavering solution for said target's suffering. I have witnessed firsthand how this entity will coax and cajole its target into believing its life is hopeless, beyond redemption, and better off ended. It did this to Javien before my very eyes, and neither my words nor actions, nor those of Javien's brother, Javian, could reach him. Make no mistake: this is murder by persuasion and deception. It twists the heart by promising its prey a life of endless torment with the only cure being death.

Next, I will explain how to survive the entity. Adventurers and denizens alike, take heed: the solution is both painfully simple, yet difficult to articulate.

Choose life.

The entity is, at its core, bound by the choices of its target. I have evidence to suggest that by adamantly choosing to live, one can stave off the entity's attentions.

First, I had an exchange with the entity shortly before it took Amadeo and Altaca from Cyrene. In this exchange, the entity spoke thusly: "I am no thief; every soul I've embraced pleaded for liberation. There is much for you to comprehend, and time, inexhaustible, awaits your enlightenment." I, however, had firmly stated, "I know you, entity. I have flirted with you before myself. But it is by my own choice that I yet live. And that choice is mine to make, not yours." To this statement, it responded, "...if your desire is to evade death's embrace in your tale, so it shall be - such is the simplicity of choice."

Second, I point to the only denizen thus far to survive the entity's approach: Javian. Javian has had cause to despair. He witnessed his brother consumed by darkness and ushered into Death before his eyes. He saw his father's fall into depression. He aches for his mother, long since departed from this mortal coil. But Javian lived, when others did not. I believe the cause of this two be twofold: first, Javian holds tight to the dear memories of his loved ones. He was recently bequeathed a gift that helps him remember his brother in happier ways. Next, in my conversation with him following his brother's passing, I urged him to live. I reminded him that his brother would be happy if he did, if he kept reading, if he one day grew up to tell his own tales to his own children. I believe Javian took this to heart, and when he was faced with the whispers of the entity, he chose life.

I do not know what rituals may appease, seal, or banish this entity. I do not believe it can be slain. I do not know that it can even be stopped. But it has to make you choose. It has to make you choose to succumb to despair, but you needn't do so. Life, in all its infinite possibilities, holds so much more for all of you. Do not believe its words, even if they ring true, for they paint only the blackest signs and the bleakest images.

My friends, my foes, my peers: choose life.

Choose life.

In Song,
Taelle Starling

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Aeguary, in the year 951 AF.

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