Achaean News

Public News Posts: 21502-21463

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21502Oct 4th, 2022Untitled's Mayaween Art ContestInitiate of Awareness Tahquil Maris, Hedgehog of the ValleyEveryone
21501Oct 2nd, 2022The Verdant RepublicSpeaker Aodfionn Wintermourne, the VivifierInitiate of Awareness Tahquil Maris, Hedgehog of the Valley
21500Oct 2nd, 2022A reviewSpeaker Aodfionn Wintermourne, the VivifierGrandue Xeh'ria, Keeper of the Iron Crown
21499Oct 2nd, 2022Two fools in a pod.Grandue Xeh'ria, Keeper of the Iron CrownSpeaker Aodfionn Wintermourne, the Vivifier
21498Oct 2nd, 2022A wish for clarificationInitiate of Awareness Tahquil Maris, Hedgehog of the ValleySpeaker Aodfionn Wintermourne, the Vivifier
21497Oct 2nd, 2022A response to your offerSpeaker Aodfionn Wintermourne, the VivifierGrandue Xeh'ria, Keeper of the Iron Crown
21496Oct 1st, 2022A failed questPandora, the Wayward HeirEveryone
21495Sep 29th, 2022The Greatest Plan of All TimeKing Dracrotalus-Aristata, Grandue Nithilar-LichlordEveryone
21494Sep 29th, 2022.Mhal Entaro Nithilar, Tyrannus of MhaldorEveryone
21493Sep 28th, 2022Your futureAroanMeloi
21492Sep 28th, 2022Our FutureMeloiThe City of Eleusis
21491Sep 23rd, 2022Ask and you shall receiveProficy Ikari, Warden of the IsleThe Clan of Excidium
21490Sep 22nd, 2022R.I.S.EMeloiSir Kinilan Demaxx, Distinguished First
21489Sep 22nd, 2022RISEingAccipiter Le'Strange, Fixer of Things since 269AFSpeaker Aodfionn Wintermourne, the Vivifier
21488Sep 22nd, 2022A disagreementSpeaker Aodfionn Wintermourne, the VivifierSir Kinilan Demaxx, Distinguished First
21487Sep 22nd, 2022R.I.S.ESir Kinilan Demaxx, Distinguished FirstEveryone
21486Sep 13th, 2022Rising aboveMistra Uraian'gattar of the Western WindEveryone
21485Sep 13th, 2022Universal DivinityTendril Harenae Uraian'gattar, of the HaskrovskaEveryone
21484Sep 13th, 2022A History LessonHolocaust King Aegoth AristataEveryone
21483Sep 13th, 2022Oh, Please...MeloiSir Kinilan Demaxx, Distinguished First
21482Sep 13th, 2022"Reign Rebellion"?Dr. Laras Op'Shae, MinidragonSir Kinilan Demaxx, Distinguished First
21481Sep 13th, 2022R.I.S.ESir Kinilan Demaxx, Distinguished FirstEveryone
21480Sep 12th, 2022Maybe we can, maybe we can't.Mathonwy Corso, the OratorMeloi
21479Sep 12th, 2022Huh?MeloiMathonwy Corso, the Orator
21478Sep 12th, 2022Naivete and grandstandingMathonwy Corso, the OratorMeloi
21477Sep 12th, 2022Flocking TogetherSimply Asir Ser Prythe Lanthe, her Shrubbery, Esq.Everyone
21476Sep 12th, 2022R.I.S.E - Manipulating MortalsMeloiEveryone
21475Sep 12th, 2022R.I.S.E.: Quest for DivinityLaorir D'lajessEveryone
21474Sep 11th, 2022everyoneInitiate of Awareness Tahquil Maris, Hedgehog of the ValleyEveryone
21473Sep 11th, 2022CIJ's 600th Anniversary CelebrationHead Hooligan Tilia MalicieuxEveryone
21472Sep 10th, 2022The Degradation of Ser PrytheSer Aerek Ancyrion, Aster RegentEveryone
21471Sep 4th, 2022A Resolution to HonourSer Aerek Ancyrion, Aster RegentEveryone
21470Sep 4th, 2022An Untitled MayasweenInitiate of Awareness Tahquil Maris, Hedgehog of the ValleyEveryone
21469Sep 2nd, 2022Previous posts "to"Seneschal Arcturus D'Aud'toreEveryone
21468Sep 2nd, 2022The value of ArtSeneschal Arcturus D'Aud'toreSybil, the Dog-Lady of Hashan
21467Aug 31st, 2022RPS Tournament rescheduled to Mayan 22, 896 AFShadow Arbiter Augtavian Lockwood, VassalEveryone
21466Aug 31st, 2022The Festival of the Divine!Nissa, Head Archivist of the Lucretian AthenaeumEveryone
21465Aug 28th, 2022Rock Paper Scissors tournament - Presented by the Krymenian AcademyShadow Arbiter Augtavian Lockwood, VassalEveryone
21464Aug 25th, 2022Self-RespectPirate Lord Jinsun Ze'DekiahAdmiral Artanis Leafwalker
21463Aug 22nd, 2022A noteSpeaker Aodfionn Wintermourne, Herald of AutumnDawnlord Atalkez Al'Jafri, Avatar of Light

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Public News Posts: 21502-21463

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21502Oct 4th, 2022Untitled's Mayaween Art Contest
21501Oct 2nd, 2022The Verdant Republic
21500Oct 2nd, 2022A review
21499Oct 2nd, 2022Two fools in a pod.
21498Oct 2nd, 2022A wish for clarification
21497Oct 2nd, 2022A response to your offer
21496Oct 1st, 2022A failed quest
21495Sep 29th, 2022The Greatest Plan of All Time
21494Sep 29th, 2022.
21493Sep 28th, 2022Your future
21492Sep 28th, 2022Our Future
21491Sep 23rd, 2022Ask and you shall receive
21490Sep 22nd, 2022R.I.S.E
21489Sep 22nd, 2022RISEing
21488Sep 22nd, 2022A disagreement
21487Sep 22nd, 2022R.I.S.E
21486Sep 13th, 2022Rising above
21485Sep 13th, 2022Universal Divinity
21484Sep 13th, 2022A History Lesson
21483Sep 13th, 2022Oh, Please...
21482Sep 13th, 2022"Reign Rebellion"?
21481Sep 13th, 2022R.I.S.E
21480Sep 12th, 2022Maybe we can, maybe we can't.
21479Sep 12th, 2022Huh?
21478Sep 12th, 2022Naivete and grandstanding
21477Sep 12th, 2022Flocking Together
21476Sep 12th, 2022R.I.S.E - Manipulating Mortals
21475Sep 12th, 2022R.I.S.E.: Quest for Divinity
21474Sep 11th, 2022everyone
21473Sep 11th, 2022CIJ's 600th Anniversary Celebration
21472Sep 10th, 2022The Degradation of Ser Prythe
21471Sep 4th, 2022A Resolution to Honour
21470Sep 4th, 2022An Untitled Mayasween
21469Sep 2nd, 2022Previous posts "to"
21468Sep 2nd, 2022The value of Art
21467Aug 31st, 2022RPS Tournament rescheduled to Mayan 22, 896 AF
21466Aug 31st, 2022The Festival of the Divine!
21465Aug 28th, 2022Rock Paper Scissors tournament - Presented by the Krymenian Academy
21464Aug 25th, 2022Self-Respect
21463Aug 22nd, 2022A note

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