Achaean News

Announce News Posts: 2982-2943

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2982Apr 9th, 2009DowntimeMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2981Apr 7th, 2009March JudgingThe Artisanal and Bardic Fellowships of ScarlattiEveryone
2980Apr 1st, 2009Announce 2978Maya, the Great MotherEveryone
2979Apr 1st, 2009Artefact saleMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2978Apr 1st, 2009Aeonic turbulenceMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2977Mar 28th, 2009PlagiarismThe Artisanal and Bardic Fellowships of ScarlattiEveryone
2976Mar 20th, 2009Guide CallMelchior, the Guide MasterEveryone
2975Mar 19th, 2009Clarification on forest enemiesLathis, Senior AdministratorEveryone
2974Mar 18th, 2009Woodlore / Metamorphosis changesTecton, the TerraformerEveryone
2973Mar 15th, 2009Artisanal and Bardic JudgingThe Artisanal and Bardic Fellowships of ScarlattiEveryone
2972Mar 13th, 2009Defending mutually allied denizensMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2971Mar 13th, 2009Tekura changesTecton, the TerraformerEveryone
2970Mar 12th, 2009Formal alliances and PKMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2969Mar 11th, 2009Lay membership in OrdersMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2968Mar 7th, 2009Personal descriptionsMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2967Mar 7th, 2009Celani callMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2966Mar 5th, 2009Trial of RebirthMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2965Mar 3rd, 2009Lesson bonusMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2964Mar 3rd, 2009Lesson bonusMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2963Mar 3rd, 2009TMS votingMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2962Mar 2nd, 2009Lottery 19Maya, the Great MotherEveryone
2961Mar 2nd, 2009Groves changesTecton, the TerraformerEveryone
2960Feb 28th, 2009Movement commandsMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2959Feb 27th, 2009City harboursMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2958Feb 13th, 2009Artisanal and Bardic JudgingThe Artisanal and Bardic Fellowships of ScarlattiEveryone
2957Feb 10th, 2009Artefact saleMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2956Feb 9th, 2009HSP problemsMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2955Feb 9th, 2009HSP problemsMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2954Feb 8th, 2009A new command and some bug fixesCardan, the CuriousEveryone
2953Feb 8th, 2009CTF resultsMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2952Feb 5th, 2009Looping rooms in adventurer-owned housingMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2951Feb 5th, 2009ReminderMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2950Feb 4th, 2009CTF!Maya, the Great MotherEveryone
2949Feb 3rd, 2009TMS votingMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2948Feb 2nd, 2009Y5C Overall StandingsMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2947Feb 2nd, 2009Year 500 Bandersnatch & QuizMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2946Feb 2nd, 2009Year 500 Championship Awards CeremonyMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2945Feb 1st, 2009Year 500 Twins Tourney ResultsMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2944Jan 31st, 2009Y5C Shiprace & Twins Combat TourneyMaya, the Great MotherEveryone
2943Jan 30th, 2009Out-of-subdivision housesMaya, the Great MotherEveryone

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Announce News Posts: 2982-2943

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2982Apr 9th, 2009Downtime
2981Apr 7th, 2009March Judging
2980Apr 1st, 2009Announce 2978
2979Apr 1st, 2009Artefact sale
2978Apr 1st, 2009Aeonic turbulence
2977Mar 28th, 2009Plagiarism
2976Mar 20th, 2009Guide Call
2975Mar 19th, 2009Clarification on forest enemies
2974Mar 18th, 2009Woodlore / Metamorphosis changes
2973Mar 15th, 2009Artisanal and Bardic Judging
2972Mar 13th, 2009Defending mutually allied denizens
2971Mar 13th, 2009Tekura changes
2970Mar 12th, 2009Formal alliances and PK
2969Mar 11th, 2009Lay membership in Orders
2968Mar 7th, 2009Personal descriptions
2967Mar 7th, 2009Celani call
2966Mar 5th, 2009Trial of Rebirth
2965Mar 3rd, 2009Lesson bonus
2964Mar 3rd, 2009Lesson bonus
2963Mar 3rd, 2009TMS voting
2962Mar 2nd, 2009Lottery 19
2961Mar 2nd, 2009Groves changes
2960Feb 28th, 2009Movement commands
2959Feb 27th, 2009City harbours
2958Feb 13th, 2009Artisanal and Bardic Judging
2957Feb 10th, 2009Artefact sale
2956Feb 9th, 2009HSP problems
2955Feb 9th, 2009HSP problems
2954Feb 8th, 2009A new command and some bug fixes
2953Feb 8th, 2009CTF results
2952Feb 5th, 2009Looping rooms in adventurer-owned housing
2951Feb 5th, 2009Reminder
2950Feb 4th, 2009CTF!
2949Feb 3rd, 2009TMS voting
2948Feb 2nd, 2009Y5C Overall Standings
2947Feb 2nd, 2009Year 500 Bandersnatch & Quiz
2946Feb 2nd, 2009Year 500 Championship Awards Ceremony
2945Feb 1st, 2009Year 500 Twins Tourney Results
2944Jan 31st, 2009Y5C Shiprace & Twins Combat Tourney
2943Jan 30th, 2009Out-of-subdivision houses

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