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Poetry News Post #6013

Quite interesting!

Written by: Kastanie Schmalfuss
Date: Saturday, July 1st, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

I am THEIR jester, pumpin all my shnit into your ears; THEIR command, if yer not as good as me, dun burst into tears! I am the one who will always stand!

I am well read and have the formular to always be (however not poised)
(and you? YOU think yer the best boys) - yes I am honestly a ((<--n) ugly, fat, nonamed, noloved..whatsoever...blablabla...) she.

THEY make me to think of the all...THEY state, if we work together, us little ones can be tall.
YOU see your cash and fame...
such a shame....Be aware! THEY can take you down and make you lose your town!

There were times, when THEY heard us, shined down on us, when we were not full of greed and stuff...
But I know  my words dun get ye  yer just still simply rough and playing tough!

All in all...thank the ones, who TRY to send a message via poem to THEM...yer nealy there.
Try furthermore, THEY see eet, adhere!

THEIR jester
And: should you ever have questions, do not hestitate to ask!
I swear! I never wear a mask...

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Sarapin, in the year 921 AF.

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Poetry News Post #6013

Quite interesting!

Written by: Kastanie Schmalfuss
Date: Saturday, July 1st, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

I am THEIR jester, pumpin all my shnit into your ears; THEIR command, if yer not as good as me, dun burst into tears! I am the one who will always stand!

I am well read and have the formular to always be (however not poised)
(and you? YOU think yer the best boys) - yes I am honestly a ((<--n) ugly, fat, nonamed, noloved..whatsoever...blablabla...) she.

THEY make me to think of the all...THEY state, if we work together, us little ones can be tall.
YOU see your cash and fame...
such a shame....Be aware! THEY can take you down and make you lose your town!

There were times, when THEY heard us, shined down on us, when we were not full of greed and stuff...
But I know  my words dun get ye  yer just still simply rough and playing tough!

All in all...thank the ones, who TRY to send a message via poem to THEM...yer nealy there.
Try furthermore, THEY see eet, adhere!

THEIR jester
And: should you ever have questions, do not hestitate to ask!
I swear! I never wear a mask...

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Sarapin, in the year 921 AF.

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