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Poetry News Post #6014


Written by: Harenae Uraian'gattar
Date: Friday, July 7th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

i hope she remembers me fondly
when i plunk to my knees
humbled, creaking
and my fingers lace with the sand
in a simple question
and what remains settles alongside
my scrabbling, stained hands
she will hear the strum of my heart
in pattering diminuendo
and remember me
fondly, i hope, please
welcome me
making space in her home
to have me once more
have me as glad guest
as admirer and rival and lover
eagerly silent in my company
welcome me and hold me
please, let me feel what was
embrace me, unguarded
let us have at least this
a lone warble of honesty
slurred against you
my strings are yours, gladly
i should have insisted sooner
so take them, please
rifle through me and salvage them
we both know i sang sweetest
with your fingers playing, oh
i can be so much
i will be, if you please, just please
remember me fondly

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Ero, in the year 921 AF.

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Poetry News Post #6014


Written by: Harenae Uraian'gattar
Date: Friday, July 7th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

i hope she remembers me fondly
when i plunk to my knees
humbled, creaking
and my fingers lace with the sand
in a simple question
and what remains settles alongside
my scrabbling, stained hands
she will hear the strum of my heart
in pattering diminuendo
and remember me
fondly, i hope, please
welcome me
making space in her home
to have me once more
have me as glad guest
as admirer and rival and lover
eagerly silent in my company
welcome me and hold me
please, let me feel what was
embrace me, unguarded
let us have at least this
a lone warble of honesty
slurred against you
my strings are yours, gladly
i should have insisted sooner
so take them, please
rifle through me and salvage them
we both know i sang sweetest
with your fingers playing, oh
i can be so much
i will be, if you please, just please
remember me fondly

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Ero, in the year 921 AF.

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