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Poetry News Post #6012

A poem of Light and Righteousness

Written by: Ambassador Keturah Lighthawk-Silvertongue-Obuun
Date: Friday, June 30th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

In realms of radiant brilliance, behold the light's embrace,
A poem of righteousness, in luminescent grace.
Where shadows dissipate, and darkness takes its flight,
I speak of gleaming virtues, in this tapestry of light.

With beams that pierce the veil, dispelling all deceit,
Light unveils the path, where honour finds its seat.
From flickering candles' glow to the sun's eternal flame,
It kindles hearts with hope, and ignites the noblest aim.

It dances on the water, casting ripples wide and far,
Reflecting truth and justice, as beacons guiding every star.
Its radiance erases doubts, unveiling what is true,
For righteousness is nurtured, where light breathes life anew.

The dawn unveils the world, with golden hues embraced,
And righteousness emerges, with every stride retraced.
From the tender morning glow to the sunset's gentle gleam,
Light casts its righteous judgment, like a conscience in a dream.

In acts of selflessness, it shines with blinding might,
Illuminating kindness, dispelling shades of spite.
It fosters understanding, in its gentle, warming glow,
Uniting hearts and minds, wherever it may go.

With righteous light as compass, let compassion be our guide,
To see the beauty in all souls, and let judgment subside.
In deeds that lift and heal, where empathy takes flight,
We honor light's true essence, with every choice made right.

So, let us be the candles, in darkness, strong and bright,
Igniting righteousness within, dispelling all that's trite.
And as we walk this earth, may our radiance ignite,
A world bathed in the glory of light and righteousness, unite.

Penned by my hand on the 6th of Mayan, in the year 920 AF.

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Poetry News Post #6012

A poem of Light and Righteousness

Written by: Ambassador Keturah Lighthawk-Silvertongue-Obuun
Date: Friday, June 30th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

In realms of radiant brilliance, behold the light's embrace,
A poem of righteousness, in luminescent grace.
Where shadows dissipate, and darkness takes its flight,
I speak of gleaming virtues, in this tapestry of light.

With beams that pierce the veil, dispelling all deceit,
Light unveils the path, where honour finds its seat.
From flickering candles' glow to the sun's eternal flame,
It kindles hearts with hope, and ignites the noblest aim.

It dances on the water, casting ripples wide and far,
Reflecting truth and justice, as beacons guiding every star.
Its radiance erases doubts, unveiling what is true,
For righteousness is nurtured, where light breathes life anew.

The dawn unveils the world, with golden hues embraced,
And righteousness emerges, with every stride retraced.
From the tender morning glow to the sunset's gentle gleam,
Light casts its righteous judgment, like a conscience in a dream.

In acts of selflessness, it shines with blinding might,
Illuminating kindness, dispelling shades of spite.
It fosters understanding, in its gentle, warming glow,
Uniting hearts and minds, wherever it may go.

With righteous light as compass, let compassion be our guide,
To see the beauty in all souls, and let judgment subside.
In deeds that lift and heal, where empathy takes flight,
We honor light's true essence, with every choice made right.

So, let us be the candles, in darkness, strong and bright,
Igniting righteousness within, dispelling all that's trite.
And as we walk this earth, may our radiance ignite,
A world bathed in the glory of light and righteousness, unite.

Penned by my hand on the 6th of Mayan, in the year 920 AF.

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