19.10.8 Ship Artefacts
(see also HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS) Artefacts are special items that can be purchased only with Bound Credits. They never decay. -------------- Ship Artefacts -------------- Use SHIP REQUISITION to purchase or upgrade these. Ship Crew Cabin Boy 200 credits (+250 morale) A One-eyed Cook 400 credits (+400 morale) A rotund chef 800 credits (+750 morale) - Allow you to COMMISSION MEAL once per Achaean month to increase your crew's morale. Weapon racks: 200 credits - Generates 3 units of ship ammunition per Achaean day, these are placed directly into the ship's stores. a teakwood chain-shot rack a cedar star-shot rack an ironwood dart rack a sandalwood wardisc rack a zebrawood spidershot rack a cherrywood hook-shot rack an elaborate iron flare rack* * TURN FLARERACK DEFAULT to have it generate randomly coloured flares. * TURN FLARERACK <colour> to specify flare colour. * Can only do this once per Achaean month. Cartographer's Desk: 350 credits - Holds up to 100 nautical maps. - Slows decay of maps stored within. Barnacle-encrusted bait bucket: 250 credits - This is an upgrade option only, this item cannot be purchased. - Existing fresh water bait bucket upgrades to produce deep sea bait. ---------------- Ship Requisition ---------------- SHIP REQUISITION ARTEFACT <artefact keyword> - Available keywords are: cabinboy - cook - chef desk chainshotrack - dartrack - flarerack - hookshotrack - spidershotrack - starshotrack - wardiscrack SHIP REQUISITION UPGRADE <cabinboy|cook|bucketID> - If cabinboy, it will upgrade to cook - If cook upgrades to chef. - If bucketID, this upgrades the "barnacle-encrusted bucket" to produce deep sea bait (250 credits) SHIP REQUISITION NONDECAY <weaponID/figureheadID> - Nondecay a ship weapon or figurehead. - Costs 50 credits. SHIP REQUISITION RESETTING <figureheadID>** - Make a mounted figurehead resetting to its mounted location. - Costs 50 credits. ** THIS CAN ONLY BE ADDED TO AN ALREADY NON-DECAY FIGUREHEAD. SHIP REQUISITION RELOCATION FIGUREHEAD <target shipID> - You must be on the origin ship, on the bow, next to a resetting mounted figurehead. - Target ship may not have a mounted figurehead. - Both ships have to be in the same harbour. - Target ship cannot be drydocked - This can only be executed by ship owner, or, if org owned, people with requisition perms. - Costs 50 bound credits. - Any power accumulated by the figurehead will be preserved through the change. (see also HELP ARTEFACTS, HELP ARTEFACT TRADEINS, HELP ARTEFACT TRANSFERS)