6.38 Organisational Crimes System
The org crimes system is used to define template crimes for enemies to be charged with. This feature is available to cities, houses, orders and high clans. When defining a crime, you can give it a name, a fine, and a term. When an enemy is charged with the crime, these figures are then automatically set on the charge record. Currently only members of an organisation who can enemy/unenemy people can create, delete, or change crimes but any member of the organisation can view the list. Syntax: <org> CRIMES LIST List all the currently configured crimes for your organisation. <org> CRIMES NEW <name of crime> Create a new crime with the specified name.* <org> CRIMES <crime id> DELETE Delete a predefined crime. Does not remove any charges based off this. <org> CRIMES <crime id> FINE Set the fine amount for a crime. Must be an amount in gold sovereigns or SPECIAL.** <org> CRIMES <crime id> TERM Set the term length for a crime. Must be an amount in Achaean years or PERMANENT.** <org> CRIMES <crime id> RENAME <new name> Change a predefined crime to a new name.* <org> CRIMES <crime id> MOVEUP [TOP|#] Move the specified crime up the list of crimes for your organisation. <org> CRIMES <crime id> MOVEDOWN [BOTTOM|#] Move the specified crime down the list of crimes for your organisation. In the above, <org> can be HOUSE, CITY, ORDER, or CLAN. As this is an IC system, language and insanity rules apply. * Crimes may only contain letters or numbers and can not be more than 30 characters in length. ** If you charge someone with a crime that has a SPECIAL fine or a PERMANENT term, only the leader or patron of the organisation can drop this charge. (See HELP CHARGES)