6.18.1 Journals, Manuscripts, Books, and Parchment Scrolls


Personal journals, manuscripts, books, and parchment scrolls are book-like 
things in which you may record whatever you like. They may be purchased at many 
shops throughout the land, such as the Lucretian Athenaeum in New Thera.

Journals are designed for you to record your journeys in the land, keep notes 
in, compose poetry, and generally write whatever you please. A journal has 50 
pages, each of which can hold a limited (though still fairly large) amount of 
text. A journal may only be written in by the owner of it, though it may be read 
by anyone.

Books also have 50 pages, which may be written upon by anyone. Other than that, books are functionally identical to journals.

Manuscripts also have 50 pages and fulfill a similar function, but have this 
added feature: anybody may write in a manuscript. It is also possible for the 
leaders of organisations to claim a manuscript so that only members of that org 
may edit the manuscript. 

Scrolls have a single page and can be written upon by anyone.


TITLE <document> <title>
 Give your journal/manuscript/scroll/book a title.

CLAIM MANUSCRIPT <manuscript#> FOR <org name>
 City council members, House leaders, OR10s in divine orders, and heads of
 clans can claim a manuscript as property of your organisation. You must have
 the manuscript in your inventory to claim it. Once claimed, only members of
 that org may edit the manuscript.

BOOKMARK <document> PAGE <#> 
 Place the journal's, book's or manuscript's bookmark (not parchment, which 
 has only 1 page anyway) on whatever page you wish. Doing so will cause 
 the READ and WRITE commands to operate on that page, if no specific page 
 number is specified.

READ <document> PAGE <#> 
 Read page <#> in the journal, manuscript, book, or parchment. If you omit 
 the PAGE  <#>, then it will read the page that the bookmark is on.

WRITE <document> PAGE <#> 
 Write page <#> in journal, manuscript, book, or parchment. If you omit 
 the PAGE <#>, then it will write the page that the bookmark is on. See 
 HELP EDITOR for details about editing and saving your document.

WRITE <document> PAGE <#> IN <language>
 Write in a document in a specific language. See HELP EDITOR for details about 
 editing and saving your document.

APPEND <journal> [PAGE <page>] [IN <language>] <text>
 Write in the document without entering the editor.

TRANSLATE <document> TO <language>
 Translate a document from one language to another that you know.

 Will enable or disable the automatic insertion of the current date at the top 
 of your journal page. (Journals only)

REQUEST SEAL OF <document>
 Make the journal, manuscript, book, or scroll permanently unchangeable. 
 This can only be done by Mydoin, the bookseller, at the library in New Thera.

 List the various journals and books in your inventory (this is part of the 
 LISTS ability in the Vision skill).

 Paste a letter you are holding into your journal/manuscript. (See HELP LETTERS for more information on this.)