Achaea Help Files

Achaea has hundreds of help files to you learn about Achaea. This is a copy of the in-game help file structure. HELP in-game will show you this same menu.

19.24.5 Invasion Talismans

The "Invasion" talisman set:
Talismans and pieces from this set can be obtained in the following ways:

- Promotions (this will always be announced via the relevant news when the pieces are currently available)
- Trading between players (pieces only)
- Whole talismans bought from the Delosian shop (when in stock)

The Invasion set contains the following items:

A brick of slowmelt ice - (icebrick)
 - Purchasable in Delos for 1300 bound credits.
 - POINT BRICK <dir> to create a reforming icewall on that exit!
 - Every three seconds, if broken, this icewall will reform itself, up to six times total.
 - Standard checks apply (i.e. can't icewall or recurr icewall on a firewalled exit etc).
 - If the icewall fails to reform once, the remaining attempts will still happen.
 - Use of this item incurs a 5 minute cooldown.

An iron cauldron - (cauldron)
 - Purchasable in Delos for 650 bound credits.
 - LIGHT CAULDRON to place firewalls in all room exits.
 - This item has a 15 minute cooldown.

A reinforced battering ram - (batteringram)
 - Purchasable in Delos for 500 bound credits.
 - RAM <target> <dir>
 - If there is an ice or stonewall between you and your target, smash through it and knock the target prone. 
 - This will not pull your entourage.
 - This item respects standard movement hinders such as piety/gravehands/etc. 
 - Any wall in the way will be destroyed on use.

A steel caltrop - (caltrops)
 - Purchasable in Delos for 500 bound credits.
 - The next three people to enter the room will get hit by that venom. 
 - Caltrops respect standard envenoming restrictions.
 - (If you can't envenom it on a weapon, you can't envenom it on these).
 - This will not work in retardation.
 - After the third hit or 3 minutes has passed, this item will go on cooldown for 15 minutes.
 - If the 3 minutes ends and the caltrops go unused they will be on cooldown for 2 minutes.

A crumpled scouting map - (scoutingmap)
 - Purchasable in Delos for 1600 bound credits.
 - SCOUT SURROUNDINGS to see all corporeal and alive players in adjacent locations.
 - Use of this item has a 2.5 second cooldown, but no balance cost.
 - This functionality is not blocked by walls or doors.

An observant hag's eye - (hagseye)
 - Purchasable in Delos for 1000 bound credits.
 - Works alongside the identify_portal power to tell you the list of players on the other end of the portal.
 - This item comes with the identify_portal power.

A shadow-wreathed adamantine shackle - (shadowshackle)
 - This item is not available in the Delosian talisman shop.
 - If you can't beat them, join them?
 - This is a shackle of Garash themed to match the one worn by the Tsol'teth Ama-maalier.
 - Wearing this shackle gives you the mass defence, so you never have to worry about running out of mass salve mid-fight!

A figurine of Bain'maal - (darkearthfigurine)
 - This item is not available in the Delosian talisman shop.
 - A battle figurine of the Tsol'teth Bain'maal
 - This figurine is a part of the Tsol'teth battlefigurine collection!

Partial Completions
If you have two or three pieces of a talisman in the historical set you can TALISMAN COMPLETE PARTIAL <talismanname> to complete it for the remainder of the bound credit value of the item as it is in the Delosian Talisman shop. 
Talismans completed in this manner will have an altered tradein that reflects its credit worth, including the credit purchased completion.

    You have: cruciblebase and cruciblebowl.
    You use TALISMAN COMPLETE PARTIAL CRUCIBLE and pay 500 bound credits.
       This is half the cost of the crucible in the shop because you already
       have half of the pieces.
    You get: a completed soulfire crucible talisman.
    This item has a tradein value of: 346 bound credits.
       This is 2/3rds of 520 credits (The 500 credits paid above, plus your 2
       pieces valued at 10 credits each.)