Achaea Help Files
Achaea has hundreds of help files to you learn about Achaea. This is a copy of the in-game help file structure. HELP in-game will show you this same menu.
18.3.1 Experience
(See also HELP GROUPS. Notes on group sharing of experience included below.) Experience - what is it, how do you get it? Experience Defined ------------------ Experience is a way to describe how capable you are as an adventurer. As you live and act in the realms, you will typically find things to do that will produce experience (or xp) for you. Do them and you get xp. Experience, among other things ----------------------------- Experience is only one way in which adventurers grow. Others are: - Learning skills (see HELP LEARNING). - Obtaining licenses in crafting, bookmaking, etc (see HELP LICENSES). - Attaining to power through rank and positions in houses or cities. - Acquiring rare and powerful artefacts (HELP ARTEFACTS). - Gaining ranks in - combat (HELP COMBAT RANKINGS), - exploration (HELP EXPLORATION), and - riddles (HELP RIDDLES), among others. Levels of Experience -------------------- As you gain xp (experience) you will gain new levels of experience. At the start, you are "level 1." As you gain xp, your level will also rise. The names and descriptions of these levels is in HELP LEVELLIST. Ways to Gain Experience ----------------------- Quests and Combat are the primary ways to gain xp. Experience from Quests ---------------------- Experience is gained in a variety of ways. By performing little (or big!) tasks for denizens of the realms. We call these tasks quests (HELP QUESTS). Find quests, perform them, and gain experience. Quests are rarely violent, and often quite complex and challenging. More than one Achaean adventurer has spent an entire career, and a very successful one at that, gaining experience ONLY by means of quests. Denizen Combat -------------- Another way to gain experience is to enter mortal combat with denizens of the realms. This carries with it the risk of your own demise, which would also include a reduction in experience. Adventurer Killing, also known as PK ------------------------------------ Yet another way to gain experience is to enter mortal combat versus other adventurers. This may not seem all that much different from combat against denizens, but it is! This activity, called PK for short, is more restricted, you'll be expected to have a valid reason for attacking another player (see HELP PK). Killing another player or letting another player kill you solely for the purpose of gaining experience or other forms of renown is not permitted. Deficits -------- Achaea records your total maximum experience attained historically. Experience loss on death creates an XP deficit - this is the amount of experience between your current and your maximum-ever-attained. Should you ever fall below your maximum total experience gained, any kill against another player shall credit you with 10% of the difference between your current experience amount and your total ever attained (as well as the standard experience gain). Members of the Mark and Dauntless have higher deficit yields. Groups and Experience --------------------- When you follow others, or others follow you, your group shares in the benefits of any combat entered into by any member. The sharing is proportional to the level of experience of each adventurer. See also HELP GROUPS. Experience Boosts ----------------- A number of things in Achaea will increase your experience gain. The DEFENCES command will show your total of your experience bonus percentage. You can see exactly what is affecting your experience gain with the following command: XPBONUSES (See also HELP GROUPS)