Achaean News
Re: Treacherious Life
Written by: Infernal Zero, Ward of Raajin
Date: Monday, October 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: The son of Oneiros, Xianty, Mortal of Love
"To an outsider, it seems the only logical reason is they fear the powers of love, compassion, and Peace... what do you gain from being one of treachery?"
Love- Love is a lie. The human race for example is physically unable to be in "love" for more than four years before evolutionary wiring kicks in and they move onto another mate. This has been proven in Occult experiments condemned by the Church. What is love but dependance on another? The truly strong should be able to stand alone. Love is weakness, weakness should be destroyed.
Compassion- The Path has no reason to fear compassion. We show compassion at times, but we know when and where to apply it. If I find a talented sniper like Chameleon starving, I will give him food, and he will be more likely to help me kill one of my enemies later on. If I find scum like Vertigo starving, I will eat him. Compassion has a role, but some people are not deserving of it.
Peace- Peace does not exist. Even Oneiros, the God of Peace, has to expend energy to keep his temple free of those who would defile it with the blood of pacifists. In the Garden, perhaps one can relax, but for us mortals, life is a war. Peace is beyond us, a fairy tale. Even you, Xianty, can walk with grace, but you must walk over the blood of the fallen.
Weakness must be eliminated, because it holds us all back. Once truly useless in every way, one should be thrown away. If Ashtan has more to gain by letting an Infernal kill a little child, the child will die. If he is smart enough, perhaps he will grow up into an Infernal himself. Luck is a big part in all of this, but some say that luck is preparation meeting opportunity.
Take Borknagar, for example. He betrayed Shallam, stealing around 800,000 gold if I heard correctly. This moved him up from being a drunk on the streets of Shallam to a Lord of Ashtan.
Do we trust Borknagar? With our money, hell no. But no one will say that he is not strong, and he still has friends. When applied poorly treachery can destroy you, but only a fool would completely disregard it's potential positive effects. Sometimes you have to lie for the greater good.
Physical weakness means that someone can kill you. Mental weakness means that someone can trick you. Spiritual weakness means you will waver while walking down the path, and that could lead to your falling off. For the greater good, weakness must be eliminated. It is not easy, but it is for the best.
Hate can drive you to new heights of strength, just as having a heart can.
Personally, I think that wanting to be noticed is irrelevant.
Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Ero, in the year 259 AF.
Re: Treacherious Life
Written by: Infernal Zero, Ward of Raajin
Date: Monday, October 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: The son of Oneiros, Xianty, Mortal of Love
"To an outsider, it seems the only logical reason is they fear the powers of love, compassion, and Peace... what do you gain from being one of treachery?"
Love- Love is a lie. The human race for example is physically unable to be in "love" for more than four years before evolutionary wiring kicks in and they move onto another mate. This has been proven in Occult experiments condemned by the Church. What is love but dependance on another? The truly strong should be able to stand alone. Love is weakness, weakness should be destroyed.
Compassion- The Path has no reason to fear compassion. We show compassion at times, but we know when and where to apply it. If I find a talented sniper like Chameleon starving, I will give him food, and he will be more likely to help me kill one of my enemies later on. If I find scum like Vertigo starving, I will eat him. Compassion has a role, but some people are not deserving of it.
Peace- Peace does not exist. Even Oneiros, the God of Peace, has to expend energy to keep his temple free of those who would defile it with the blood of pacifists. In the Garden, perhaps one can relax, but for us mortals, life is a war. Peace is beyond us, a fairy tale. Even you, Xianty, can walk with grace, but you must walk over the blood of the fallen.
Weakness must be eliminated, because it holds us all back. Once truly useless in every way, one should be thrown away. If Ashtan has more to gain by letting an Infernal kill a little child, the child will die. If he is smart enough, perhaps he will grow up into an Infernal himself. Luck is a big part in all of this, but some say that luck is preparation meeting opportunity.
Take Borknagar, for example. He betrayed Shallam, stealing around 800,000 gold if I heard correctly. This moved him up from being a drunk on the streets of Shallam to a Lord of Ashtan.
Do we trust Borknagar? With our money, hell no. But no one will say that he is not strong, and he still has friends. When applied poorly treachery can destroy you, but only a fool would completely disregard it's potential positive effects. Sometimes you have to lie for the greater good.
Physical weakness means that someone can kill you. Mental weakness means that someone can trick you. Spiritual weakness means you will waver while walking down the path, and that could lead to your falling off. For the greater good, weakness must be eliminated. It is not easy, but it is for the best.
Hate can drive you to new heights of strength, just as having a heart can.
Personally, I think that wanting to be noticed is irrelevant.
Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Ero, in the year 259 AF.