Achaean News
Your Insolence
Written by: Twilight, the Dark Lord
Date: Monday, October 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: Galdrion Longshanks, Halcyon's Wolf
Was My post addressed to you? I think not. This one is. And furthermore, how dare you assume that I bestowed My favour upon Dalamar for his most recent public escapade? I am curious to know who gifted you with this Divine insight into My Dark Will. If you read My post more carefully, you will notice I make no mention of particulars. 'Ere you choose to poke your nose into affairs that are not addressed to you and banter with the likes of Me upon this forum, you had best check your tone _and_ your facts. For your insolence and disrespectful tone, you bear My disfavour. I consider the matter closed now, thus I expect no response. If you wish to test My mettle in this regard, however, do continue on your current course.
The Dark Lord
Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Scarlatan, in the year 259 AF.
Your Insolence
Written by: Twilight, the Dark Lord
Date: Monday, October 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: Galdrion Longshanks, Halcyon's Wolf
Was My post addressed to you? I think not. This one is. And furthermore, how dare you assume that I bestowed My favour upon Dalamar for his most recent public escapade? I am curious to know who gifted you with this Divine insight into My Dark Will. If you read My post more carefully, you will notice I make no mention of particulars. 'Ere you choose to poke your nose into affairs that are not addressed to you and banter with the likes of Me upon this forum, you had best check your tone _and_ your facts. For your insolence and disrespectful tone, you bear My disfavour. I consider the matter closed now, thus I expect no response. If you wish to test My mettle in this regard, however, do continue on your current course.
The Dark Lord
Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Scarlatan, in the year 259 AF.