Achaean News
The Weak
Written by: Necrophyte Lodi Ta'sa-Le'Murzen, the Anarchic
Date: Monday, October 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: The son of Oneiros, Xianty, Mortal of Love
So you would like to remain week would you? Shurly you look to better your self? And why not fight? Every one has a free will it was gift from the Logos
Treet those as they treat you.
With treatchery comes new firends, with some pepol the loss of an old friend who can not serv them any longer is not a grate one.
one of the Truths of Evil:"Weakness must be eliminated in all forms: Physical, mental and Spiritual." What is wrong with that, weakness is in the eye of te be houlder. This statement is open to Interpritation be those who read it it aplies to every Mortal on this planit, shurly you would not want to remain at the First level of Enlightenment for all your Life? No one dos, so to that extent you ar applying this rule to yourself. You are Eliminating your weaknessis slowley and shurly. To you the Use of Violance and beeing Trecherus seem Weak, so you are questioning those who do it, if you had a chance would not like to get rid of these pepol, would you not like to see them dead or to see them change there ways? Thus loosing there weakness. Others see Pacifisum as a weakness. Something to dispise, they see them selfs at the senter of the univers, value there lifes above anything ells, and see those who apose them as weak, those who critisize them as weak, thus theye want to see them change or to see them dead.
This "Truth" aplieys to every one, every one follows it and ceeps to it, if you saw some one who was content to remain at level 1, not to jouin a guild or do anything special, would not look apon them as weak, as beeing stupid, for not taking the chances given to them? i think if there was some one you would giggle to your self aboutmit just slightly, or would try to "Help" them get moor power, to not be as weak. Again you eliminating weakness.
If you question this question, i see You as weak, as you are not using the brain the Logos gave you to look at it in other ways, other than the way you want to dipipict it, your vision is long, strate and like a Tunnel . . the only difrance is theres no light at the end of it if you ceep going in that direction.
Take a Loom around
See things difrently
Try to understand others
Try see the would the way they see it
You see it better and in a mutch more enlightend way
I respect you for your views, but you should try and undertsnad why others do what they do, or hould the views they hould. I understand you got your Views by reading the Truth at Surface value, look deaper . . . and you may well se a reflection of your self.
Lodi Son Of Erious
(P.S I have the illness called "Tell net" many ahve fallen to it, I hope acure shall be found for it soon also paragraph 7 is ment to read Take a Look Around in case you were wondering)
Penned by my hand on the 19th of Scarlatan, in the year 259 AF.
The Weak
Written by: Necrophyte Lodi Ta'sa-Le'Murzen, the Anarchic
Date: Monday, October 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: The son of Oneiros, Xianty, Mortal of Love
So you would like to remain week would you? Shurly you look to better your self? And why not fight? Every one has a free will it was gift from the Logos
Treet those as they treat you.
With treatchery comes new firends, with some pepol the loss of an old friend who can not serv them any longer is not a grate one.
one of the Truths of Evil:"Weakness must be eliminated in all forms: Physical, mental and Spiritual." What is wrong with that, weakness is in the eye of te be houlder. This statement is open to Interpritation be those who read it it aplies to every Mortal on this planit, shurly you would not want to remain at the First level of Enlightenment for all your Life? No one dos, so to that extent you ar applying this rule to yourself. You are Eliminating your weaknessis slowley and shurly. To you the Use of Violance and beeing Trecherus seem Weak, so you are questioning those who do it, if you had a chance would not like to get rid of these pepol, would you not like to see them dead or to see them change there ways? Thus loosing there weakness. Others see Pacifisum as a weakness. Something to dispise, they see them selfs at the senter of the univers, value there lifes above anything ells, and see those who apose them as weak, those who critisize them as weak, thus theye want to see them change or to see them dead.
This "Truth" aplieys to every one, every one follows it and ceeps to it, if you saw some one who was content to remain at level 1, not to jouin a guild or do anything special, would not look apon them as weak, as beeing stupid, for not taking the chances given to them? i think if there was some one you would giggle to your self aboutmit just slightly, or would try to "Help" them get moor power, to not be as weak. Again you eliminating weakness.
If you question this question, i see You as weak, as you are not using the brain the Logos gave you to look at it in other ways, other than the way you want to dipipict it, your vision is long, strate and like a Tunnel . . the only difrance is theres no light at the end of it if you ceep going in that direction.
Take a Loom around
See things difrently
Try to understand others
Try see the would the way they see it
You see it better and in a mutch more enlightend way
I respect you for your views, but you should try and undertsnad why others do what they do, or hould the views they hould. I understand you got your Views by reading the Truth at Surface value, look deaper . . . and you may well se a reflection of your self.
Lodi Son Of Erious
(P.S I have the illness called "Tell net" many ahve fallen to it, I hope acure shall be found for it soon also paragraph 7 is ment to read Take a Look Around in case you were wondering)
Penned by my hand on the 19th of Scarlatan, in the year 259 AF.