Achaean News
treacherious life
Written by: The son of Oneiros, Xianty, Mortal of Love
Date: Monday, October 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone
To live a life in hate, evil, pain, and in a treacherous style is to not live but to die. Why must people kill for the sake of hate? Is it for chaos which in turn is for order or is it for the need to gain attention from onlookers?
People have killed me in the past and i have always questioned why they do so. They may say it is because i am a priest or i am from shallam but deep down it is a feeling wantingness and attention that these hunters of the weak seek!
In the scrolls of Sartan, one of the seven Truths of Evil Lord Sartan says "Weakness must be eliminated in all its forms: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual.
I am curious why this is. Are people whom dont fight, are young in experience, or lack the skills to fight feared by these seemingly dominant indivuals whom follow the path of hate and treachery? Why must they be eliminated?
To an outsider, it seems the only logical reason is they fear the powers of love, comapssion, and Peace. They fear they will gain friends in light and gain family of love. What do you gain from being one of treachery?
You gain being hated, being hunted, being enemied from some cities and maybe even gaining the disfavour of the heavenly Gods.
If those being the consequences, then why do it? Why hate people, why kill for no reason other than gaining a heart to feast on?
I pass on a small bit of wisdom to those whom fit the description set above: There is always a loving heart out there willing to love you but those people may be slim in numbers as the more you kill. This is in no way a threat but merely of a bit of advice...treachery gains not much but what it mght gain people is a pack of people hunting you. I would not gaze in awe to see thirty to fourty people hunting Dalamar one of these days, what goes up must eventually come down!
Peace is out there!
Penned by my hand on the 19th of Scarlatan, in the year 259 AF.
treacherious life
Written by: The son of Oneiros, Xianty, Mortal of Love
Date: Monday, October 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone
To live a life in hate, evil, pain, and in a treacherous style is to not live but to die. Why must people kill for the sake of hate? Is it for chaos which in turn is for order or is it for the need to gain attention from onlookers?
People have killed me in the past and i have always questioned why they do so. They may say it is because i am a priest or i am from shallam but deep down it is a feeling wantingness and attention that these hunters of the weak seek!
In the scrolls of Sartan, one of the seven Truths of Evil Lord Sartan says "Weakness must be eliminated in all its forms: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual.
I am curious why this is. Are people whom dont fight, are young in experience, or lack the skills to fight feared by these seemingly dominant indivuals whom follow the path of hate and treachery? Why must they be eliminated?
To an outsider, it seems the only logical reason is they fear the powers of love, comapssion, and Peace. They fear they will gain friends in light and gain family of love. What do you gain from being one of treachery?
You gain being hated, being hunted, being enemied from some cities and maybe even gaining the disfavour of the heavenly Gods.
If those being the consequences, then why do it? Why hate people, why kill for no reason other than gaining a heart to feast on?
I pass on a small bit of wisdom to those whom fit the description set above: There is always a loving heart out there willing to love you but those people may be slim in numbers as the more you kill. This is in no way a threat but merely of a bit of advice...treachery gains not much but what it mght gain people is a pack of people hunting you. I would not gaze in awe to see thirty to fourty people hunting Dalamar one of these days, what goes up must eventually come down!
Peace is out there!
Penned by my hand on the 19th of Scarlatan, in the year 259 AF.