Achaean News
And lest I appear to be neglectful...
Written by: Raajin Lucoster
Date: Monday, September 25th, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone
I similarly offer my heart-felt appreciation to all of those whom have privately or publicly contacted me with words of encouragement. While I generally would not consider myself one to place much weight upon the opinions of others, I must confess that the support has been recieved with sincere gratitude.
-- R. Lucoster, Master of the Iron Citadel
Penned by my hand on the 7th of Glacian, in the year 258 AF.
And lest I appear to be neglectful...
Written by: Raajin Lucoster
Date: Monday, September 25th, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone
I similarly offer my heart-felt appreciation to all of those whom have privately or publicly contacted me with words of encouragement. While I generally would not consider myself one to place much weight upon the opinions of others, I must confess that the support has been recieved with sincere gratitude.
-- R. Lucoster, Master of the Iron Citadel
Penned by my hand on the 7th of Glacian, in the year 258 AF.