Achaean News
That which I am responsible for, and that to which I can lay little claim
Written by: Raajin Lucoster
Date: Monday, September 25th, 2000
Addressed to: Dream Shadow, Serpent of the Moon
My respect for both yourself and the majority of your ilk leads me to be highly flattered and deeply honoured to know that not all consider the whole of my actions to be foolhearty or ill-advised. However, there are certain things for which I am directly responsible, and other things for which I can take no real amount of credit.
I am, as previously stated by Sir Malaclypse, directly responsible both for the death of an Archon within the walls of Ashtan, and directly responsible for many controversial decisions and stances of the Iron Citadel, of which recent events represent only a small portion. While, as I have stated before, I stand by my decisions in light of the circumstances surrounding them, the fact remains that I HAVE broken Ashtan's one strictly-enforced Edict, and unfortunately, the *ethical* position of "Right" and the *legal* position of "Right" are all too frequently at opposite ends of the spectrum, these days.
One thing for which I can take little or no credit, howe'er, is the Honour of the Iron Citadel. She is a strong and fine Guild with or without me, and Her collective Honour is not the result of any one man's labour, but rather, the sum of the collective Honour, Chivalry, and Strength of Character of each and every one of Her Knights. It is *they* who have brought *me* much Honour by carrying themselves with dignity and courage, and thus, tis *they* whom should recieve any congratulations which are to be assigned.
None the less, your words are appreciated, both for their encouragement to me through my present tribulations, and for the courage which I know is required to speak one's heart in the face of "popular opinion".
Thank you again for your support, Shadow.
-- R. Lucoster, Master of the Iron Citadel
Penned by my hand on the 7th of Glacian, in the year 258 AF.
That which I am responsible for, and that to which I can lay little claim
Written by: Raajin Lucoster
Date: Monday, September 25th, 2000
Addressed to: Dream Shadow, Serpent of the Moon
My respect for both yourself and the majority of your ilk leads me to be highly flattered and deeply honoured to know that not all consider the whole of my actions to be foolhearty or ill-advised. However, there are certain things for which I am directly responsible, and other things for which I can take no real amount of credit.
I am, as previously stated by Sir Malaclypse, directly responsible both for the death of an Archon within the walls of Ashtan, and directly responsible for many controversial decisions and stances of the Iron Citadel, of which recent events represent only a small portion. While, as I have stated before, I stand by my decisions in light of the circumstances surrounding them, the fact remains that I HAVE broken Ashtan's one strictly-enforced Edict, and unfortunately, the *ethical* position of "Right" and the *legal* position of "Right" are all too frequently at opposite ends of the spectrum, these days.
One thing for which I can take little or no credit, howe'er, is the Honour of the Iron Citadel. She is a strong and fine Guild with or without me, and Her collective Honour is not the result of any one man's labour, but rather, the sum of the collective Honour, Chivalry, and Strength of Character of each and every one of Her Knights. It is *they* who have brought *me* much Honour by carrying themselves with dignity and courage, and thus, tis *they* whom should recieve any congratulations which are to be assigned.
None the less, your words are appreciated, both for their encouragement to me through my present tribulations, and for the courage which I know is required to speak one's heart in the face of "popular opinion".
Thank you again for your support, Shadow.
-- R. Lucoster, Master of the Iron Citadel
Penned by my hand on the 7th of Glacian, in the year 258 AF.