Achaean News
Do Your Part; End the Ashen Scale
Written by: Ravager Treischt Doudegen-D'Arcangeli
Date: Saturday, January 4th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
Greetings, Sapience.
In light of recent clusters of disease outbreaks in Targossas and Eleusis, I realize it is pertinent to continue some modicum of the 'burdock posts' Annase had published once a year for many years.
These posts will be only a fraction as frequent, so please don't fret.
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The disease I refer to is none other than the Ashen Scale. It has no adverse affects for non-Xorani, though people of ALL races can carry or transmit the disease, as many Newbies from all over Achaea do.
A faint but uncomfortable tingling in the back of one's throat is the first sign of illness, and is often followed rather quickly by a lack of taste and smell. Diagnosing will reveal one is afflicted with a 'mysterious illness'.
Eventually, itching will begin, and become quite uncomfortable. Scales will desiccate and fall out as one's breathing becomes labored, followed by coughing fits, which may expel black mucus and blood. The desiccation of scales is what lent this Xorani disease its name; the Ashen Scale. Much is unknown beyond that point, but it is assumed symptoms may have an effect on natural willpower and endurance regeneration before eventually resulting in possible death.
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In 617 A.F., Lady Gaia was roused from her deep and lengthy slumber by Nature's most faithful. In reward for their devotion, She blessed them with the knowledge and the substance of a cure for the Ashen Scale: Burdock.
Eating burdock acts as both cure and near-permanent preventative; after eating one, you cannot very well carry, transmit, contract, or experience symptoms of the disease. Nonetheless, it is better to be safe than sorry, so we recommend one consumes burdock on a semi-regular basis of once a year. If a slight sting accompanies the taste, congrats! You had contracted the disease but have now been cured!
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On behalf of all xorani, I bid you all to do your part in ridding Achaea from this foul blight.
Ravager Treischt Doudegen-D'Arcangeli
Great Drake of the Children of the Scale
Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Aeguary, in the year 965 AF.
Do Your Part; End the Ashen Scale
Written by: Ravager Treischt Doudegen-D'Arcangeli
Date: Saturday, January 4th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
Greetings, Sapience.
In light of recent clusters of disease outbreaks in Targossas and Eleusis, I realize it is pertinent to continue some modicum of the 'burdock posts' Annase had published once a year for many years.
These posts will be only a fraction as frequent, so please don't fret.
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The disease I refer to is none other than the Ashen Scale. It has no adverse affects for non-Xorani, though people of ALL races can carry or transmit the disease, as many Newbies from all over Achaea do.
A faint but uncomfortable tingling in the back of one's throat is the first sign of illness, and is often followed rather quickly by a lack of taste and smell. Diagnosing will reveal one is afflicted with a 'mysterious illness'.
Eventually, itching will begin, and become quite uncomfortable. Scales will desiccate and fall out as one's breathing becomes labored, followed by coughing fits, which may expel black mucus and blood. The desiccation of scales is what lent this Xorani disease its name; the Ashen Scale. Much is unknown beyond that point, but it is assumed symptoms may have an effect on natural willpower and endurance regeneration before eventually resulting in possible death.
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In 617 A.F., Lady Gaia was roused from her deep and lengthy slumber by Nature's most faithful. In reward for their devotion, She blessed them with the knowledge and the substance of a cure for the Ashen Scale: Burdock.
Eating burdock acts as both cure and near-permanent preventative; after eating one, you cannot very well carry, transmit, contract, or experience symptoms of the disease. Nonetheless, it is better to be safe than sorry, so we recommend one consumes burdock on a semi-regular basis of once a year. If a slight sting accompanies the taste, congrats! You had contracted the disease but have now been cured!
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On behalf of all xorani, I bid you all to do your part in ridding Achaea from this foul blight.
Ravager Treischt Doudegen-D'Arcangeli
Great Drake of the Children of the Scale
Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Aeguary, in the year 965 AF.