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Public News Post #21774

Wanted: Volunteers for Medical Study

Written by: Countess Nezaya Visindi, Witch
Date: Friday, January 19th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

The Dicondron Academy has begun research into the infection cured by the burdock root. We are seeking participants to supply blood samples to be used for research.

If you are interested, please contact one of the project leaders who will assign a researcher meet with you, conduct a short interview and collect the sample.

The interview is a series of questions regarding largely demographic information. Most of this is publicly known in some fashion. They will also inquire to medical history regarding this ailment, and your general interactions with populations in proximity. Participants are not obligated to answer anything to which they are uncomfortable, but full participation will speed research.

They will then collect a sample of blood and test for infection by providing burdock to you.

If you are infected, the burdock will cure you, and they will ask for a second sample of now cleaned blood for testing and comparison.

Compensation will be based on the results of the initial sampling.
A positive result will award 50,000 sovereigns, as we will need two vials.

A negative result will award 25,000 sovereigns.

If you have questions or would like to participate, please contact one of the two leaders of this initiative for assistance.


Lady Tsia Visindi Lanthe,
Project Executive

Researcher Ucin,
Head of Chemical Studies, TDA

Countess Nezaya Vinsindi,
Regent of Hashan

Penned by my hand on the 1st of Aeguary, in the year 937 AF.

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Public News Post #21774

Wanted: Volunteers for Medical Study

Written by: Countess Nezaya Visindi, Witch
Date: Friday, January 19th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

The Dicondron Academy has begun research into the infection cured by the burdock root. We are seeking participants to supply blood samples to be used for research.

If you are interested, please contact one of the project leaders who will assign a researcher meet with you, conduct a short interview and collect the sample.

The interview is a series of questions regarding largely demographic information. Most of this is publicly known in some fashion. They will also inquire to medical history regarding this ailment, and your general interactions with populations in proximity. Participants are not obligated to answer anything to which they are uncomfortable, but full participation will speed research.

They will then collect a sample of blood and test for infection by providing burdock to you.

If you are infected, the burdock will cure you, and they will ask for a second sample of now cleaned blood for testing and comparison.

Compensation will be based on the results of the initial sampling.
A positive result will award 50,000 sovereigns, as we will need two vials.

A negative result will award 25,000 sovereigns.

If you have questions or would like to participate, please contact one of the two leaders of this initiative for assistance.


Lady Tsia Visindi Lanthe,
Project Executive

Researcher Ucin,
Head of Chemical Studies, TDA

Countess Nezaya Vinsindi,
Regent of Hashan

Penned by my hand on the 1st of Aeguary, in the year 937 AF.

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