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Public News Post #21740

The Kingdom of Blackrock

Written by: King in Majesty, Barak D'Nichliz
Date: Saturday, December 9th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

In declaration to all of my kingdom.

For long centuries my dominion has gone unquestioned, unchallenged, save only for a foul, gutless worm. It brings me pleasure to hereby announce that the unnamed swine has at last been removed from my kingdom, excised and cast into the gutter like nothing less than the foul rot that it was. Let it continue to claim the name of Blackrock, for from now until the very ends of lost eternity all will know that it is King In Majesty Barak D'Nichliz, and D'Nichliz ALONE, who wears the crown of my darkened realm.

The weak give way to the strong.

I hereby as well, on this day, reaffirm the Supremacy of Lord Sartan, the Malevolent, He who is Evil, He who is the Lords Shaitan and Apollyon in One, within my kingdom as our Divine Patron. Is it not our priests in His service who steward our Isle's realms in praise to His name? Is it not our priests in His service who guide penitents upon the path to glory in the donning of a slave's shackles? Just as my realm of Blackened Rock is the most ancient and regal of all realms in His glorious Empire in the West, it has endured through His stewardship and His teachings alone.

I declare on this day that we of the Black Rock need no lesser God claiming to be our creator.

Our lord is Sartan, the Conqueror Iniquitous!

Penned by my hand on the 11th of Glacian, in the year 933 AF.

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Public News Post #21740

The Kingdom of Blackrock

Written by: King in Majesty, Barak D'Nichliz
Date: Saturday, December 9th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

In declaration to all of my kingdom.

For long centuries my dominion has gone unquestioned, unchallenged, save only for a foul, gutless worm. It brings me pleasure to hereby announce that the unnamed swine has at last been removed from my kingdom, excised and cast into the gutter like nothing less than the foul rot that it was. Let it continue to claim the name of Blackrock, for from now until the very ends of lost eternity all will know that it is King In Majesty Barak D'Nichliz, and D'Nichliz ALONE, who wears the crown of my darkened realm.

The weak give way to the strong.

I hereby as well, on this day, reaffirm the Supremacy of Lord Sartan, the Malevolent, He who is Evil, He who is the Lords Shaitan and Apollyon in One, within my kingdom as our Divine Patron. Is it not our priests in His service who steward our Isle's realms in praise to His name? Is it not our priests in His service who guide penitents upon the path to glory in the donning of a slave's shackles? Just as my realm of Blackened Rock is the most ancient and regal of all realms in His glorious Empire in the West, it has endured through His stewardship and His teachings alone.

I declare on this day that we of the Black Rock need no lesser God claiming to be our creator.

Our lord is Sartan, the Conqueror Iniquitous!

Penned by my hand on the 11th of Glacian, in the year 933 AF.

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