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Public News Post #21726

My Logosmas Letter

Written by: Nhalar, a messy-haired young boy
Date: Saturday, November 11th, 2023
Addressed to: Ironbeard the Magnanimous

Dear Ironbeard,

I know this is early but if I send it too late you'll be too busy dealing with all the other letters and requests and you'll probably miss mine. That's why I'm sending it now!

For Logosmas this year I would really really really really really like a snowman. Really.

Not one of those fake ones that the adventurers make, but a real one.

One made from ice and snow. Ten feet tall. With a carrot for a nose. And a scarf. And a big hat!

Papa always says it's too hot and sunny here in Ka'doloki for us to have a snowman but I know if anyone can do it, it's you Ironbeard.

Thanks, and Merry Logosmas!
Nhalar of Ka'doloki

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Lupar, in the year 931 AF.

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Public News Post #21726

My Logosmas Letter

Written by: Nhalar, a messy-haired young boy
Date: Saturday, November 11th, 2023
Addressed to: Ironbeard the Magnanimous

Dear Ironbeard,

I know this is early but if I send it too late you'll be too busy dealing with all the other letters and requests and you'll probably miss mine. That's why I'm sending it now!

For Logosmas this year I would really really really really really like a snowman. Really.

Not one of those fake ones that the adventurers make, but a real one.

One made from ice and snow. Ten feet tall. With a carrot for a nose. And a scarf. And a big hat!

Papa always says it's too hot and sunny here in Ka'doloki for us to have a snowman but I know if anyone can do it, it's you Ironbeard.

Thanks, and Merry Logosmas!
Nhalar of Ka'doloki

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Lupar, in the year 931 AF.

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