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Public News Post #21585

Realities and Memory

Written by: Saelily
Date: Thursday, May 11th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Aroan, and anyone else confident in their own mindset,

Allow me to point out a few points as counterpoints:

- It is equally as likely that your own biases have weakened your resistance to memory alteration, since you, like all of us who possess thought, would prefer that your own thoughts be sacred. As Aroan correctly suggested, they are not sacred.

- Many strange magics exist, including those that can: Read thoughts and memories, alter timelines, physically alter reality and convince others that such alterations have (or have not) occurred.

- The same power that allows us to detect living beings in hiding also allows us to see through illusions (but only sometimes).

- The gods Themselves have had Their memories altered before and thinking we would be immune to such nears the pinnacle of egotistical arrogance. The gods have altered the memories of mortals in recent times. Some have had imagined offspring. Others have imagined they are the offspring of imagination.

- One of the most basic functions of deception, and bad faith thinking, is (and has always been) convincing people that things have always been a certain way and that change is effectively impossible.

- The Golden Braid going missing coincides with easily observed economic shortfalls and hardships.

- The gods Themselves are going missing at an alarming rate. How long do you think it will be until we no longer remember Lucretius? Raclawice? The once-fact that Caspian was not dead, but imprisoned for all time and stripped of His power, and that I too now believe He has always been dead, and not dead, at the same time? The once-fact that the first generations of Siren- and Satyr-kind where once other races and simply became so at the whims of an invasive Divine?

Your entire argument works in reverse with equal strength, or close enough to equality to be indistinguishable from the inverse. This proves the strength of your basic logic and yet one's logical capacity is always limited and informed by experience, which is merely a measure of ever-malleable memory. Logical derivations are only tools and tools can be altered by anyone with more advanced tools, for better or worse.

Do I think you are mistaken? Yes. The War Veil existed. The Golden Braid existed. Huskmaker existed.

Do I have my own steady doubts in this regard? Yes. Luckbinder may not have existed. The Veil of Dreams may not have existed. The Diadem of Ugrach may not have existed.

Do I think any steady conclusions can be reached within the standards of our reality? Gods no.

Do I think any of the above statements can be declared with absolute certainty? No. This is also the greatest proof for the sanctity of my own thoughts, and yours.

Am I ultimately only muddying the waters of thought with each and every point? Yes. Attempting to calm a river does that, unless it is wholly dammed (or runs dry). The most reliable way to avoid drowning is to breathe steadily and float, but you must sleep eventually... Unless you too have fallen to the comfortable assumption that never growing tired means you do not need to sleep. Dreams are important. Dreams are also a hallucination. Hallucinations are also the functional origin of sight. Sight is the basis of perceiving reality. Reality is what we see when we are awake. I'm sure you can see where this goes at the end-beginning of such circular non-thinking.

All that written, I think the most likely conclusion is that our reality is merging with, subsuming or being subsumed by, another reality. Sane mortals would be best served to forget I ever wrote such.

Saelily, Sober Drunkard, Awoken Dreamer and Paradox Supremacist

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Glacian, in the year 916 AF.

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Public News Post #21585

Realities and Memory

Written by: Saelily
Date: Thursday, May 11th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Aroan, and anyone else confident in their own mindset,

Allow me to point out a few points as counterpoints:

- It is equally as likely that your own biases have weakened your resistance to memory alteration, since you, like all of us who possess thought, would prefer that your own thoughts be sacred. As Aroan correctly suggested, they are not sacred.

- Many strange magics exist, including those that can: Read thoughts and memories, alter timelines, physically alter reality and convince others that such alterations have (or have not) occurred.

- The same power that allows us to detect living beings in hiding also allows us to see through illusions (but only sometimes).

- The gods Themselves have had Their memories altered before and thinking we would be immune to such nears the pinnacle of egotistical arrogance. The gods have altered the memories of mortals in recent times. Some have had imagined offspring. Others have imagined they are the offspring of imagination.

- One of the most basic functions of deception, and bad faith thinking, is (and has always been) convincing people that things have always been a certain way and that change is effectively impossible.

- The Golden Braid going missing coincides with easily observed economic shortfalls and hardships.

- The gods Themselves are going missing at an alarming rate. How long do you think it will be until we no longer remember Lucretius? Raclawice? The once-fact that Caspian was not dead, but imprisoned for all time and stripped of His power, and that I too now believe He has always been dead, and not dead, at the same time? The once-fact that the first generations of Siren- and Satyr-kind where once other races and simply became so at the whims of an invasive Divine?

Your entire argument works in reverse with equal strength, or close enough to equality to be indistinguishable from the inverse. This proves the strength of your basic logic and yet one's logical capacity is always limited and informed by experience, which is merely a measure of ever-malleable memory. Logical derivations are only tools and tools can be altered by anyone with more advanced tools, for better or worse.

Do I think you are mistaken? Yes. The War Veil existed. The Golden Braid existed. Huskmaker existed.

Do I have my own steady doubts in this regard? Yes. Luckbinder may not have existed. The Veil of Dreams may not have existed. The Diadem of Ugrach may not have existed.

Do I think any steady conclusions can be reached within the standards of our reality? Gods no.

Do I think any of the above statements can be declared with absolute certainty? No. This is also the greatest proof for the sanctity of my own thoughts, and yours.

Am I ultimately only muddying the waters of thought with each and every point? Yes. Attempting to calm a river does that, unless it is wholly dammed (or runs dry). The most reliable way to avoid drowning is to breathe steadily and float, but you must sleep eventually... Unless you too have fallen to the comfortable assumption that never growing tired means you do not need to sleep. Dreams are important. Dreams are also a hallucination. Hallucinations are also the functional origin of sight. Sight is the basis of perceiving reality. Reality is what we see when we are awake. I'm sure you can see where this goes at the end-beginning of such circular non-thinking.

All that written, I think the most likely conclusion is that our reality is merging with, subsuming or being subsumed by, another reality. Sane mortals would be best served to forget I ever wrote such.

Saelily, Sober Drunkard, Awoken Dreamer and Paradox Supremacist

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Glacian, in the year 916 AF.

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