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Public News Post #21221

A Brief History Lesson

Written by: Ambassador Lii Lichlord
Date: Wednesday, November 17th, 2021
Addressed to: Harenae Uraian-gattar, the People's Hierophant

It is rare of late that I do put quill to parchment to post, but Harenae or whatever your name is, you seem to lack a basic grasp of history. For that matter, you also seem to lack the basic grasp of who the Tsol'teth actually are.

You speak of the Hashan as this great city, as though it is this semblance of virtue. To quote Seneschal Embrelle's post, "Hashan will not stand for the enslavement of an entire race's home under Divine command, Moghedu will be liberated and their sovereignty protected." To bring forth a simple topic: the continued alliance of Hashan with the Tsol'teth, the very same race of people whose thirst for conquest and lack of remote concern for any other than their own. This race of people enslaved hobgoblins, goblins, ogres, and Bug-men, of which the former three were quite different than they came to be. This race, the Tsol'teth, not only enslaved, but later eradicated the first three races to 'remake' them into the creatures we see now.

No. Hashan does not stand for the enslavement of an entire race's home under Divine command...unless it suits them. However, as history yet proves, they will ally with an entire race who have done far worse than enslave. At least those in the West, we of Mhaldor, do not put on pretenses as to who or what we are. We are cruel, we are brutal, we enslave, but we do not put off pleasant airs in the hopes of masking who or what we are. Hashan...well, Darkness truly is a thing, which brings me to yet another point.

Harenae or whoever you are, perhaps you were not around during the last Black Wave. Perhaps you were yet unborn or perhaps took a nice, long slumber. However, for those of us who were there, who fought and watched people die, who laboured day after day not knowing when the end would come, we witnessed. We witnessed Cyrene, formerly a quiet little place that people oft joked of as the place one went to retire rise up. Not all of their citizens, of course, but then few cities have a population that would. When the Tsol'teth came at Sapience baring their fangs yet a third time (yes, a third time), Cyrene and the other city-states rose up against them. Even Hashan initially...until they saw Cyrene fall to the Tsol'teth and chose to ally with the enemy rather than risk the same happening to their city. Yes...Hashan sought the advantages the Tsol'teth might provide...after they put forth a surrender under the quaint term of 'alliance'. During this time, Targossas, under now former Dawnlord former Seneschal Farrah, allied with them. The other city-states, Ashtan, Eleusis, Cyrene, and rogues, fought against the enemy while Mhaldor did what it has always done...stood alone against the enemy as is right for the people of the Lord.

Time has moved forward, and while Cyrene has resumed its relative quietness, Targossas has under former Dawnlord Sothantos broke the alliance with the Tsol'teth, and the other city-states continue their perpetual warring with each other, Hashan remains tethered to this strange belief that if they just say something enough that history and reality will change. Sadly, here is a small hint for you, Harenae.

Words mean little while actions speak volumes.

In His eternal service,
Ambassador Lii Lichlord.

Penned by my hand on the 10th of Chronos, in the year 873 AF.

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Public News Post #21221

A Brief History Lesson

Written by: Ambassador Lii Lichlord
Date: Wednesday, November 17th, 2021
Addressed to: Harenae Uraian-gattar, the People's Hierophant

It is rare of late that I do put quill to parchment to post, but Harenae or whatever your name is, you seem to lack a basic grasp of history. For that matter, you also seem to lack the basic grasp of who the Tsol'teth actually are.

You speak of the Hashan as this great city, as though it is this semblance of virtue. To quote Seneschal Embrelle's post, "Hashan will not stand for the enslavement of an entire race's home under Divine command, Moghedu will be liberated and their sovereignty protected." To bring forth a simple topic: the continued alliance of Hashan with the Tsol'teth, the very same race of people whose thirst for conquest and lack of remote concern for any other than their own. This race of people enslaved hobgoblins, goblins, ogres, and Bug-men, of which the former three were quite different than they came to be. This race, the Tsol'teth, not only enslaved, but later eradicated the first three races to 'remake' them into the creatures we see now.

No. Hashan does not stand for the enslavement of an entire race's home under Divine command...unless it suits them. However, as history yet proves, they will ally with an entire race who have done far worse than enslave. At least those in the West, we of Mhaldor, do not put on pretenses as to who or what we are. We are cruel, we are brutal, we enslave, but we do not put off pleasant airs in the hopes of masking who or what we are. Hashan...well, Darkness truly is a thing, which brings me to yet another point.

Harenae or whoever you are, perhaps you were not around during the last Black Wave. Perhaps you were yet unborn or perhaps took a nice, long slumber. However, for those of us who were there, who fought and watched people die, who laboured day after day not knowing when the end would come, we witnessed. We witnessed Cyrene, formerly a quiet little place that people oft joked of as the place one went to retire rise up. Not all of their citizens, of course, but then few cities have a population that would. When the Tsol'teth came at Sapience baring their fangs yet a third time (yes, a third time), Cyrene and the other city-states rose up against them. Even Hashan initially...until they saw Cyrene fall to the Tsol'teth and chose to ally with the enemy rather than risk the same happening to their city. Yes...Hashan sought the advantages the Tsol'teth might provide...after they put forth a surrender under the quaint term of 'alliance'. During this time, Targossas, under now former Dawnlord former Seneschal Farrah, allied with them. The other city-states, Ashtan, Eleusis, Cyrene, and rogues, fought against the enemy while Mhaldor did what it has always done...stood alone against the enemy as is right for the people of the Lord.

Time has moved forward, and while Cyrene has resumed its relative quietness, Targossas has under former Dawnlord Sothantos broke the alliance with the Tsol'teth, and the other city-states continue their perpetual warring with each other, Hashan remains tethered to this strange belief that if they just say something enough that history and reality will change. Sadly, here is a small hint for you, Harenae.

Words mean little while actions speak volumes.

In His eternal service,
Ambassador Lii Lichlord.

Penned by my hand on the 10th of Chronos, in the year 873 AF.

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