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Public News Post #20909

Rather Interesting Facts

Written by: Distrinnith Lii Lichlord
Date: Tuesday, December 1st, 2020
Addressed to: The Clan of Excidium

It is rather interesting that you fail to realise a basic fact about Targossas. It is a Theocracy. That means it is ruled by Divine. Another interesting fact. The Bloodsworn, Lady Aurora AND Lord Deucalion, are Patrons of it. Now, as anyone who has even the most fundamental knowledge knows, They underwent a rite during the Bal'met era known as Bloodswearing. Though They have different realms and different tenets, They joined in purpose.

You proclaim that They are somehow separate in purpose now, by actions if not by words. This is particularly interesting given how the Righteous Lord's gaze isn't upon this particular plane now. Have you, Sothantos, somehow become an authority over even Him just because He isn't here to chastise you or otherwise show you the error of your ways? Perhaps.

Another interesting fact is this. While Good is taught to be a force from Creation with the express purpose of furthering its Growth, you also fail to remember Whom it was Who taught you this new definition of Good. Lo and behold! The Bloodsworn. Lady Aurora AND Lord Deucalion. Even the basic Codex of Light which can be found on Zaphar Isle was written by Them. Yes, take a sail, avoid the Pirates, and look for yourself. It's in a chapel in the southernmost island. So, in essence you are saying that you somehow have the authority to know a force better than the Divine Who gave you deeper understanding of what it is. Interesting.

Lastly, because I truly find this entire bit almost as fascinating as I do politics, which you lot seem deeply mired in, is the fact that this whole issue on your supposed faith is not even based upon a Divine. No. You may speak how you wish of Lady Aurora but in the end it is the simple fact that you do not agree with how She is handling a situation regarding leadership of a city that They helped found, first with the creation of the Silverveil as they led the refugees towards their new home.

You choose to abandon what They did over personal disagreements with someone in authority as well as some of Her actions. She wields two scimitars. While I am not Targossian nor am I one of yours, I daresay that for too long many of you failed to realise that scimitars are meant for cutting, not for coddling.

Now, I suppose here is where you would no doubt expect me to tell you to give up your ways and embrace some theology. No...I shan't. The fact is that the pyre you are slowly adding fuel on by your actions will cause you hardship later on. Whether due to internal fighting as you find within your midst the very thing that you fled Targossas from or from the wrath of Divine who may or may not be fed up with your childish behaviour.

Truly, one does not have to understand Good to understand basic logic. Even as one does not have to profess to the Master's Truths to enact them as do. Never hesitate to strike down even your closest of kin to advance in HIS realm. Thus are the Malevolent One's teachings enacted even amongst those who fervently lip service to Good.

I am almost proud of you, Sothantos.

Distrinnith Lii Lichlord.

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Phaestian, in the year 845 AF.

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Public News Post #20909

Rather Interesting Facts

Written by: Distrinnith Lii Lichlord
Date: Tuesday, December 1st, 2020
Addressed to: The Clan of Excidium

It is rather interesting that you fail to realise a basic fact about Targossas. It is a Theocracy. That means it is ruled by Divine. Another interesting fact. The Bloodsworn, Lady Aurora AND Lord Deucalion, are Patrons of it. Now, as anyone who has even the most fundamental knowledge knows, They underwent a rite during the Bal'met era known as Bloodswearing. Though They have different realms and different tenets, They joined in purpose.

You proclaim that They are somehow separate in purpose now, by actions if not by words. This is particularly interesting given how the Righteous Lord's gaze isn't upon this particular plane now. Have you, Sothantos, somehow become an authority over even Him just because He isn't here to chastise you or otherwise show you the error of your ways? Perhaps.

Another interesting fact is this. While Good is taught to be a force from Creation with the express purpose of furthering its Growth, you also fail to remember Whom it was Who taught you this new definition of Good. Lo and behold! The Bloodsworn. Lady Aurora AND Lord Deucalion. Even the basic Codex of Light which can be found on Zaphar Isle was written by Them. Yes, take a sail, avoid the Pirates, and look for yourself. It's in a chapel in the southernmost island. So, in essence you are saying that you somehow have the authority to know a force better than the Divine Who gave you deeper understanding of what it is. Interesting.

Lastly, because I truly find this entire bit almost as fascinating as I do politics, which you lot seem deeply mired in, is the fact that this whole issue on your supposed faith is not even based upon a Divine. No. You may speak how you wish of Lady Aurora but in the end it is the simple fact that you do not agree with how She is handling a situation regarding leadership of a city that They helped found, first with the creation of the Silverveil as they led the refugees towards their new home.

You choose to abandon what They did over personal disagreements with someone in authority as well as some of Her actions. She wields two scimitars. While I am not Targossian nor am I one of yours, I daresay that for too long many of you failed to realise that scimitars are meant for cutting, not for coddling.

Now, I suppose here is where you would no doubt expect me to tell you to give up your ways and embrace some theology. No...I shan't. The fact is that the pyre you are slowly adding fuel on by your actions will cause you hardship later on. Whether due to internal fighting as you find within your midst the very thing that you fled Targossas from or from the wrath of Divine who may or may not be fed up with your childish behaviour.

Truly, one does not have to understand Good to understand basic logic. Even as one does not have to profess to the Master's Truths to enact them as do. Never hesitate to strike down even your closest of kin to advance in HIS realm. Thus are the Malevolent One's teachings enacted even amongst those who fervently lip service to Good.

I am almost proud of you, Sothantos.

Distrinnith Lii Lichlord.

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Phaestian, in the year 845 AF.

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