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Public News Post #20774

The Scions of Nature

Written by: Knot Telinus El'Rian
Date: Thursday, July 9th, 2020
Addressed to: Everyone

Birth. Growth. Decay. Death. Rebirth.

As a Scion of Nature, we are attuned to the lifeblood of the forests. We feel the shattering of the trees in the harshest winters, we smell the stench of decay and death as the very essence returns to the earth.

We witness the growth of new shoots through the ash covered ground and see the land return in vigour at the call of spring and depths of summer.

In autumn we watch the cycle restart and as the leaves fall and turn red, the animals seek their shelter and the bounty of Nature runs thin, we prepare for rebirth.

Iron rusts and decays. Stone crumbles and shatters asunder discarding its original form. Through this - from this, Nature does not reclaim its ground for it was never lost, it simply arises from slumber.

The arrogance of man is clearly visible to see in the Black Forest. You gaze upon the works of stone and iron and see security in its structures, though as it rusts in its youth, the forest stands ever green.

The Scions of Nature seek to educate all in the cycle of life and death, of growth and of Nature.

The blight of Iron and Stone is irrelevant, the industrialisation of Sapience leads you away from the purity and strength that is only mimicked by the rest of Sapience.

We stand devoted to our cause and our Goddesses. There are no boundaries to our realm, only intruders - a temporary blight upon Her surface that will be removed. You have been warned.

Bow to Her, or be returned to her embrace.

We are one.

Telinus El'Rian.
Knot of the Underwood
Scion of Nature

Penned by my hand on the 15th of Daedalan, in the year 834 AF.

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Public News Post #20774

The Scions of Nature

Written by: Knot Telinus El'Rian
Date: Thursday, July 9th, 2020
Addressed to: Everyone

Birth. Growth. Decay. Death. Rebirth.

As a Scion of Nature, we are attuned to the lifeblood of the forests. We feel the shattering of the trees in the harshest winters, we smell the stench of decay and death as the very essence returns to the earth.

We witness the growth of new shoots through the ash covered ground and see the land return in vigour at the call of spring and depths of summer.

In autumn we watch the cycle restart and as the leaves fall and turn red, the animals seek their shelter and the bounty of Nature runs thin, we prepare for rebirth.

Iron rusts and decays. Stone crumbles and shatters asunder discarding its original form. Through this - from this, Nature does not reclaim its ground for it was never lost, it simply arises from slumber.

The arrogance of man is clearly visible to see in the Black Forest. You gaze upon the works of stone and iron and see security in its structures, though as it rusts in its youth, the forest stands ever green.

The Scions of Nature seek to educate all in the cycle of life and death, of growth and of Nature.

The blight of Iron and Stone is irrelevant, the industrialisation of Sapience leads you away from the purity and strength that is only mimicked by the rest of Sapience.

We stand devoted to our cause and our Goddesses. There are no boundaries to our realm, only intruders - a temporary blight upon Her surface that will be removed. You have been warned.

Bow to Her, or be returned to her embrace.

We are one.

Telinus El'Rian.
Knot of the Underwood
Scion of Nature

Penned by my hand on the 15th of Daedalan, in the year 834 AF.

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