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Poetry News Post #6301

a response

Written by: Incomparable Grunt Sir Aodfionn, Wrath of Hu-Tannakh
Date: Monday, July 29th, 2024
Addressed to: Ser Aerek Ancyrion, Knight Arbiter

Brisk spring tidings, Ser
You write well, but ask falsely
I make no such claim.

Foresight and respect
Are rare in dictatorships
There, wisdom falls short.

In this, you fall thrice
First, you overstep our bounds
And for what purpose?

Next, you seek to bind,
For yours are lone in your safety
From the rest of us.

Last, you weaken yours
Meropis is vast and deadly
Aster needs its strength.

If wisdom is sought,
Then consider wiser lands
Perhaps, even peace.

If honour is sought,
Then lift the binds that restrict
And let us battle.

If domain expands
Without Speaker Ulra's word
Blood will be the price.

Make no mistake, Ser
Our orders have worked closely
And yet, not a word

Perhaps it is fate
Maybe another trial
But I urge wisdom.

Penned by my hand on the 9th of Ero, in the year 952 AF.

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Poetry News Post #6301

a response

Written by: Incomparable Grunt Sir Aodfionn, Wrath of Hu-Tannakh
Date: Monday, July 29th, 2024
Addressed to: Ser Aerek Ancyrion, Knight Arbiter

Brisk spring tidings, Ser
You write well, but ask falsely
I make no such claim.

Foresight and respect
Are rare in dictatorships
There, wisdom falls short.

In this, you fall thrice
First, you overstep our bounds
And for what purpose?

Next, you seek to bind,
For yours are lone in your safety
From the rest of us.

Last, you weaken yours
Meropis is vast and deadly
Aster needs its strength.

If wisdom is sought,
Then consider wiser lands
Perhaps, even peace.

If honour is sought,
Then lift the binds that restrict
And let us battle.

If domain expands
Without Speaker Ulra's word
Blood will be the price.

Make no mistake, Ser
Our orders have worked closely
And yet, not a word

Perhaps it is fate
Maybe another trial
But I urge wisdom.

Penned by my hand on the 9th of Ero, in the year 952 AF.

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