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Poetry News Post #6088

A Prose in Nature's Embrace

Written by: Cleou, Virtuosi Affiliate
Date: Thursday, October 19th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

The world awakens with a symphony of life. The trees stand like ancient sentinels, their branches reaching for the sky. They whisper secrets in the rustling leaves, tales of the past, and hopes for the future.

Beneath my feet, the earth is a soft carpet of moss and fallen leaves, nature's own luxurious embrace. The air is filled with the fragrance of wildflowers, each petal a brushstroke in a masterpiece painted by the hands of the divine.

The sun, a radiant orb in the crystal sky, sends its golden rays to warm my skin. I bask in its gentle touch, feeling the warmth penetrate my very soul. Birds of every hue and song fill the air with their melodies, a chorus that lifts the spirit and quickens the heart.

As I walk deeper into the woods, I come upon a crystal-clear stream that dances over smooth stones. It is the very essence of life, the giver of sustenance to all that thrive in this enchanting realm. I cup my hands to drink, feeling the pure, cold water refresh my body and mind.

The wild creatures of the forest, shy and elusive, peer out from their hidden homes. The doe and her fawn, the sly fox, and the wise old owl, they all share this sacred space with me. In their presence, I am a guest, a mere mortal in their ageless world.

I sit on a fallen log, feeling the rough bark beneath my fingers, and close my eyes. In this tranquil haven, I find solace, inspiration, and a profound sense of belonging. Nature's beauty is a timeless treasure, and in its embrace, I am home.

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Chronos, in the year 929 AF.

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Poetry News Post #6088

A Prose in Nature's Embrace

Written by: Cleou, Virtuosi Affiliate
Date: Thursday, October 19th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

The world awakens with a symphony of life. The trees stand like ancient sentinels, their branches reaching for the sky. They whisper secrets in the rustling leaves, tales of the past, and hopes for the future.

Beneath my feet, the earth is a soft carpet of moss and fallen leaves, nature's own luxurious embrace. The air is filled with the fragrance of wildflowers, each petal a brushstroke in a masterpiece painted by the hands of the divine.

The sun, a radiant orb in the crystal sky, sends its golden rays to warm my skin. I bask in its gentle touch, feeling the warmth penetrate my very soul. Birds of every hue and song fill the air with their melodies, a chorus that lifts the spirit and quickens the heart.

As I walk deeper into the woods, I come upon a crystal-clear stream that dances over smooth stones. It is the very essence of life, the giver of sustenance to all that thrive in this enchanting realm. I cup my hands to drink, feeling the pure, cold water refresh my body and mind.

The wild creatures of the forest, shy and elusive, peer out from their hidden homes. The doe and her fawn, the sly fox, and the wise old owl, they all share this sacred space with me. In their presence, I am a guest, a mere mortal in their ageless world.

I sit on a fallen log, feeling the rough bark beneath my fingers, and close my eyes. In this tranquil haven, I find solace, inspiration, and a profound sense of belonging. Nature's beauty is a timeless treasure, and in its embrace, I am home.

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Chronos, in the year 929 AF.

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