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Poetry News Post #6057

let me die

Written by: The Great Elyon Wineapple
Date: Wednesday, August 30th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

In tranquil streets of shadowed eaves
Twixt sanguine moon and fallen leaves
With taste of you still on my lips
I stand beneath a red eclipse

Within the harbour ships soon pass
Sunken needles with shattered glass
Amber liquid to fill the void
Soothe those who love so soon destroyed

My fingers halfway down my throat
And claret dribbles down my coat
Six hundred eyes behind white haze
Observe my breathing corpse ablaze

The dock in flames, the night now lit
oblation with a throat now slit
A rattled cough, soul still yet persists
With weeping wounds and hollow cysts

Tenebrous ethereal shroud
To separate from sick, baying crowd
A bitter scream and silence falls
Obscured by choking, louring palls

Hesitant, he still awakes
In cycle of endless mistakes
And draws laboured deep and cloying breath
Inside a world that knows no death

A king in rags, a thief in jade
Concealed behind jovial charade
Watches oppressor clove in two
And brushes scales of love anew

I dance beneath a bloody sun
And laugh as "god" now lies undone

I'll waltz forever in the past
And pray each moment was my last

In a world of mortals undying
I seek a way of time-defying
If by the cask or by the dram
I'll drown myself withfairShallam

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Chronos, in the year 925 AF.

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Poetry News Post #6057

let me die

Written by: The Great Elyon Wineapple
Date: Wednesday, August 30th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

In tranquil streets of shadowed eaves
Twixt sanguine moon and fallen leaves
With taste of you still on my lips
I stand beneath a red eclipse

Within the harbour ships soon pass
Sunken needles with shattered glass
Amber liquid to fill the void
Soothe those who love so soon destroyed

My fingers halfway down my throat
And claret dribbles down my coat
Six hundred eyes behind white haze
Observe my breathing corpse ablaze

The dock in flames, the night now lit
oblation with a throat now slit
A rattled cough, soul still yet persists
With weeping wounds and hollow cysts

Tenebrous ethereal shroud
To separate from sick, baying crowd
A bitter scream and silence falls
Obscured by choking, louring palls

Hesitant, he still awakes
In cycle of endless mistakes
And draws laboured deep and cloying breath
Inside a world that knows no death

A king in rags, a thief in jade
Concealed behind jovial charade
Watches oppressor clove in two
And brushes scales of love anew

I dance beneath a bloody sun
And laugh as "god" now lies undone

I'll waltz forever in the past
And pray each moment was my last

In a world of mortals undying
I seek a way of time-defying
If by the cask or by the dram
I'll drown myself withfairShallam

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Chronos, in the year 925 AF.

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