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Poetry News Post #4027

The Masterless Warrior

Written by: Mystara
Date: Tuesday, July 10th, 2012
Addressed to: Everyone

To flee and be shunned,
eternal wrath,
a deal I could live with,
for they must never know why
I left in truth.

But deep inside,
this path was not mine,
a dream buried within
I had to embrace.
This yearning inside,
overpowered my will to fight,
a monk with no fist,
but a mind and a soul.

Go on, and laugh,
I could never say true,
blame you all I did,
but the fault lies with me.
My heart never belonged,
pain was not mine to cause
and clinging to life,
is all I retain.

I am your enemy,
but I am your friend,
can you look me in the eye,
and say that you knew me?
can you look me in the eye,
and say that you cared?

Will you look me in the eye,
and call me your kin?
Could you ever speak to me,
without words of contempt?
I did not flee my duties,
I pursued my passions.

Blame you, of course
because it's so easy for me.
Easy to ignore my own mistakes.
Easy to believe I am flawless.
But it's so hard to believe
that a person like me,
can find meaning in pain
when I fear it so.

And here I sit in the shadows,
dead with my thoughts,
will you remember my legacy?
Don't, I am not done.

A traitor, an enemy,
call me what you will.
A liar, fumeiyo,
whatever title you wish for.
A coward, a sneak,
if it makes you feel better.
But powerless?
Don't you dare
call me that again.

Penned by my hand on the 7th of Mayan, in the year 600 AF.

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Poetry News Post #4027

The Masterless Warrior

Written by: Mystara
Date: Tuesday, July 10th, 2012
Addressed to: Everyone

To flee and be shunned,
eternal wrath,
a deal I could live with,
for they must never know why
I left in truth.

But deep inside,
this path was not mine,
a dream buried within
I had to embrace.
This yearning inside,
overpowered my will to fight,
a monk with no fist,
but a mind and a soul.

Go on, and laugh,
I could never say true,
blame you all I did,
but the fault lies with me.
My heart never belonged,
pain was not mine to cause
and clinging to life,
is all I retain.

I am your enemy,
but I am your friend,
can you look me in the eye,
and say that you knew me?
can you look me in the eye,
and say that you cared?

Will you look me in the eye,
and call me your kin?
Could you ever speak to me,
without words of contempt?
I did not flee my duties,
I pursued my passions.

Blame you, of course
because it's so easy for me.
Easy to ignore my own mistakes.
Easy to believe I am flawless.
But it's so hard to believe
that a person like me,
can find meaning in pain
when I fear it so.

And here I sit in the shadows,
dead with my thoughts,
will you remember my legacy?
Don't, I am not done.

A traitor, an enemy,
call me what you will.
A liar, fumeiyo,
whatever title you wish for.
A coward, a sneak,
if it makes you feel better.
But powerless?
Don't you dare
call me that again.

Penned by my hand on the 7th of Mayan, in the year 600 AF.

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