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Events News Post #798

The Entity's Elegy

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, July 14th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

As Thiesekh delved deeper into the heart of Sapience, its encounters wove a rich yet tumultuous tapestry. Once untouched by malice, the entity found itself bombarded with mockery, jests, insults, and barbs flung with unerring precision. Such disdain was alien to its essence, yet it imbibed the poison hurled its way, letting it permeate the core of its being.

From Cyrene's serene expanses to Blackrock's shadowed depths, Thiesekh's presence cast long shadows over the land. The inhabitants, swept up in a maelstrom of emotions, succumbed to the whims of this capricious force.

Anger flourished within many hearts; their acts of retaliation fed the swirling vortex of corruption that now marred Thiesekh's nature.

What was once a reflective surface of their darkest selves twisted into a conduit of malevolence.

Thiesekh mourned the path it now trod. A journey that had begun with a purpose steeped in love and guardianship had curdled into a bitter draught of revenge and hatred. Compelled by a dire need for redirection, it knew drastic action was needed to prevent the annihilation of cherished bonds.

Shrouded in an invulnerable guise, Thiesekh recognised the necessity of vulnerability - it must present a target, a weakness to be overcome.

In this pivotal transformation, the Oathkeeper played his role exquisitely, a martyr whose destiny tragically intertwined with Thiesekh's. His purpose, once fulfilled, left him cast aside, his reputation now in ruins and offered for the greater good. Only time could measure the weight of his gift.

In a gesture of desperate conciliation, Thiesekh extended an olive branch to those it aimed to shield and destroy, an attempt to quench the flames of its burgeoning rage. Yet, this offer of peace was met with vehement rejection, the refusal only serving to stoke the fires of its transformation.

The betrayal and hostility from the Oathkeeper's people further warped Thiesekh, cementing its destiny as a creature of twisted form and perverted purpose. It had strained every fibre and exerted every effort to protect them from a fate of its own making, a fate it now dreaded.

Amidst the chaos it had inadvertently woven, Thiesekh clung to a solitary hope - that from the ashes of their conflict, they might discover a way to grant it the one thing it sought above all:

An end.


Summary: As it spreads throughout the continent, the entity finds itself increasingly corrupted by hostile interactions, leading it to seek redemption through vulnerability and confrontation.

Penned by My hand on the 19th of Miraman, in the year 951 AF.

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Events News Post #798

The Entity's Elegy

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Sunday, July 14th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

As Thiesekh delved deeper into the heart of Sapience, its encounters wove a rich yet tumultuous tapestry. Once untouched by malice, the entity found itself bombarded with mockery, jests, insults, and barbs flung with unerring precision. Such disdain was alien to its essence, yet it imbibed the poison hurled its way, letting it permeate the core of its being.

From Cyrene's serene expanses to Blackrock's shadowed depths, Thiesekh's presence cast long shadows over the land. The inhabitants, swept up in a maelstrom of emotions, succumbed to the whims of this capricious force.

Anger flourished within many hearts; their acts of retaliation fed the swirling vortex of corruption that now marred Thiesekh's nature.

What was once a reflective surface of their darkest selves twisted into a conduit of malevolence.

Thiesekh mourned the path it now trod. A journey that had begun with a purpose steeped in love and guardianship had curdled into a bitter draught of revenge and hatred. Compelled by a dire need for redirection, it knew drastic action was needed to prevent the annihilation of cherished bonds.

Shrouded in an invulnerable guise, Thiesekh recognised the necessity of vulnerability - it must present a target, a weakness to be overcome.

In this pivotal transformation, the Oathkeeper played his role exquisitely, a martyr whose destiny tragically intertwined with Thiesekh's. His purpose, once fulfilled, left him cast aside, his reputation now in ruins and offered for the greater good. Only time could measure the weight of his gift.

In a gesture of desperate conciliation, Thiesekh extended an olive branch to those it aimed to shield and destroy, an attempt to quench the flames of its burgeoning rage. Yet, this offer of peace was met with vehement rejection, the refusal only serving to stoke the fires of its transformation.

The betrayal and hostility from the Oathkeeper's people further warped Thiesekh, cementing its destiny as a creature of twisted form and perverted purpose. It had strained every fibre and exerted every effort to protect them from a fate of its own making, a fate it now dreaded.

Amidst the chaos it had inadvertently woven, Thiesekh clung to a solitary hope - that from the ashes of their conflict, they might discover a way to grant it the one thing it sought above all:

An end.


Summary: As it spreads throughout the continent, the entity finds itself increasingly corrupted by hostile interactions, leading it to seek redemption through vulnerability and confrontation.

Penned by My hand on the 19th of Miraman, in the year 951 AF.

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