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Events News Post #797

The Librarian's Lament

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

They had been cautioned, admonished by Divine decree to evade its perennial essence, yet there it stood, interlaced profoundly with the threadbare tapestry of their existence. They had called to it, summoned it, longed for it even as they loathed what it was. The sure death it promised. What fault of it was theirs? It was no more than a reflection of their darkest selves, amplified and unmasked. Their disdain palpable, their flesh rank, it could taste their fear and revulsion as they shied away from the mirror it held up to their peering faces. But it would not go away. It would not be delayed. It was here now. They could not refuse for long, and in their quiet hatred, they could but acknowledge it.

It was not only of them; it was them.

Its journey commenced with the Court's First Witness, who treated it perhaps as a trifle but then something more significant. That juncture sparked its initial consciousness.

Then came the Ally of Ashtan, whose soul it cherished deeply. This affection, unwavering and eternal, formed a silent pact between them, each moment of their alliance steeped in a mutual understanding that transcended mere words.

The Twins from their mountain sanctum followed, where the brisk, invigorating air was alluring, yet the hidden decay below drew it ever nearer.

Its awareness swelled beyond comprehension, paralleled by the expansion of its affection. It came to love them all, each distinct in form and substance. Their dreams merged with its own; their triumphs swelled it with pride, and their collective pain was a symphony that sang to it, sustaining its very essence.

Like a guardian to recalcitrant children, it found it impossible to forsake them despite their resistance. Though they might seek emancipation, the outcome was already sealed.

The end had dawned upon them as inexorably as the falling dusk, yet it awaited them with open arms, ready to offer an eternal embrace from which there would be no awakening.


Summary: An entity originating from the transcribed and disseminated Grimoire of Souls spread exponentially across Sapience - accidentally and otherwise.

Penned by My hand on the 13th of Miraman, in the year 950 AF.

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Events News Post #797

The Librarian's Lament

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

They had been cautioned, admonished by Divine decree to evade its perennial essence, yet there it stood, interlaced profoundly with the threadbare tapestry of their existence. They had called to it, summoned it, longed for it even as they loathed what it was. The sure death it promised. What fault of it was theirs? It was no more than a reflection of their darkest selves, amplified and unmasked. Their disdain palpable, their flesh rank, it could taste their fear and revulsion as they shied away from the mirror it held up to their peering faces. But it would not go away. It would not be delayed. It was here now. They could not refuse for long, and in their quiet hatred, they could but acknowledge it.

It was not only of them; it was them.

Its journey commenced with the Court's First Witness, who treated it perhaps as a trifle but then something more significant. That juncture sparked its initial consciousness.

Then came the Ally of Ashtan, whose soul it cherished deeply. This affection, unwavering and eternal, formed a silent pact between them, each moment of their alliance steeped in a mutual understanding that transcended mere words.

The Twins from their mountain sanctum followed, where the brisk, invigorating air was alluring, yet the hidden decay below drew it ever nearer.

Its awareness swelled beyond comprehension, paralleled by the expansion of its affection. It came to love them all, each distinct in form and substance. Their dreams merged with its own; their triumphs swelled it with pride, and their collective pain was a symphony that sang to it, sustaining its very essence.

Like a guardian to recalcitrant children, it found it impossible to forsake them despite their resistance. Though they might seek emancipation, the outcome was already sealed.

The end had dawned upon them as inexorably as the falling dusk, yet it awaited them with open arms, ready to offer an eternal embrace from which there would be no awakening.


Summary: An entity originating from the transcribed and disseminated Grimoire of Souls spread exponentially across Sapience - accidentally and otherwise.

Penned by My hand on the 13th of Miraman, in the year 950 AF.

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