Achaean News
Classleads Open!
Written by: Tecton, the Terraformer
Date: Sunday, December 18th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone
Following our successful Alchemist and Forestal classlead season, I'm
pleased to announce that we're opening them up for all classes! We'll be
running submissions for the next seven days, so please have your reports
filed and submitted by 23:59 on December 25.
We realise (and expected) that there are some items that need adjusting
following the race overhaul. If you are submitting one asking for a
change in an existing skill, please be as detailed as possible with why
you feel something isn't working as well with the new system.
You will notice that alongside the new ARTEFACTS and MISCELLANEOUS
categories, we now have a TRAIT section. Please use this for any tweaks
and changes related to major, minor, and racial traits. Please note that
we are not currently considering ideas for new traits until all of the
balance issues related to the overhaul are addressed. If you have ideas
for those, please check the forums for the thread devoted to this topic
or submit an IDEA.
If you'd like any further information on the classlead system, please
Penned by My hand on the 2nd of Lupar, in the year 584 AF.
Classleads Open!
Written by: Tecton, the Terraformer
Date: Sunday, December 18th, 2011
Addressed to: Everyone
Following our successful Alchemist and Forestal classlead season, I'm
pleased to announce that we're opening them up for all classes! We'll be
running submissions for the next seven days, so please have your reports
filed and submitted by 23:59 on December 25.
We realise (and expected) that there are some items that need adjusting
following the race overhaul. If you are submitting one asking for a
change in an existing skill, please be as detailed as possible with why
you feel something isn't working as well with the new system.
You will notice that alongside the new ARTEFACTS and MISCELLANEOUS
categories, we now have a TRAIT section. Please use this for any tweaks
and changes related to major, minor, and racial traits. Please note that
we are not currently considering ideas for new traits until all of the
balance issues related to the overhaul are addressed. If you have ideas
for those, please check the forums for the thread devoted to this topic
or submit an IDEA.
If you'd like any further information on the classlead system, please
Penned by My hand on the 2nd of Lupar, in the year 584 AF.