Achaean News
Classlead applications
Written by: Tecton, the Terraformer
Date: Thursday, August 6th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
We are now accepting applications for Classleads for a number of
classes. While we are specifically looking for players to fill the
following classes, members of all classes will be considered for
admission into the Achaean Combat Council: Infernal, Jester, Paladin,
Priest, Runewarden, Shaman and Sylvan.
What is a Classlead?
A Classlead is a Pentad-selected member of the player base, chosen for
their thorough knowledge of their class abilities, as well as the
general combat environment in the realms.
What does a Classlead do?
As a Classlead, you will act as a liaison to the divine for your class.
You will compile reports about skill bugs, requests for changes or
additional abilities to the class, and assist the divine with testing.
What do I need to be considered for a Classlead?
As mentioned earlier, you need to have a very thorough understanding of
your own class abilities and combat as a whole. You should participate
regularly in all facets of player vs player interaction and have an
overarching desire to help balance the classes to provide maximum
enjoyment for all of your fellow class members.
You should also be transcendent in your class abilities (or those that
affect combat efficiency), in order to make informed decisions.
How do I apply?
To apply for one of the available positions, please email, including the details of your character and a brief
summary of your class, what strengths and weaknesses you feel it has,
and what you believe can be done to balance it against Achaea's other
Penned by My hand on the 14th of Lupar, in the year 515 AF.
Classlead applications
Written by: Tecton, the Terraformer
Date: Thursday, August 6th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone
We are now accepting applications for Classleads for a number of
classes. While we are specifically looking for players to fill the
following classes, members of all classes will be considered for
admission into the Achaean Combat Council: Infernal, Jester, Paladin,
Priest, Runewarden, Shaman and Sylvan.
What is a Classlead?
A Classlead is a Pentad-selected member of the player base, chosen for
their thorough knowledge of their class abilities, as well as the
general combat environment in the realms.
What does a Classlead do?
As a Classlead, you will act as a liaison to the divine for your class.
You will compile reports about skill bugs, requests for changes or
additional abilities to the class, and assist the divine with testing.
What do I need to be considered for a Classlead?
As mentioned earlier, you need to have a very thorough understanding of
your own class abilities and combat as a whole. You should participate
regularly in all facets of player vs player interaction and have an
overarching desire to help balance the classes to provide maximum
enjoyment for all of your fellow class members.
You should also be transcendent in your class abilities (or those that
affect combat efficiency), in order to make informed decisions.
How do I apply?
To apply for one of the available positions, please email, including the details of your character and a brief
summary of your class, what strengths and weaknesses you feel it has,
and what you believe can be done to balance it against Achaea's other
Penned by My hand on the 14th of Lupar, in the year 515 AF.