Achaean News
Further your last
Written by: Lani Ravenwind
Date: Monday, October 9th, 2000
Addressed to: Infernal Zero, Ward of Raajin
Oddly enough, I find myself agreeing with you.
I suppose the best way to describe my feelings on the matter are to look over how I first reacted to Aylara's first post. On the first read, it seemed like a adequately well thought out posting with undertones of frustration. Since I don't know Aylara personally (and still don't..) I checked on her honours and noted her enviable youth in our world. This then supplied me with enough information to reread her post, notice a few signs of inexperience with Sapience as a whole, yet retain several of her quite justifiable points. An interesting post, but not one that affects me personally.
Moving on, several posts later, I find myself wondering why so many people have taken it upon themselves to discredit--no, practically squash into the mud, Aylara. Several respectable people have taken it on themselves to point out multiple fallacies in her points, and a select few have gone a bit further and attacked her personality and credibility. I hope I'm not alone in wondering if the former was done with perhaps a little too much zeal, and the latter not necessary at all.
My last thought on all this is directed to those who replied to Aylara in various ways. When posting, please try to retain an objective tone (presuming you *do* want people to take your opinion seriously) and don't go to great lengths to point out things which are obvious, it can be quite insulting.
Just me,
Penned by my hand on the 15th of Mayan, in the year 259 AF.
Further your last
Written by: Lani Ravenwind
Date: Monday, October 9th, 2000
Addressed to: Infernal Zero, Ward of Raajin
Oddly enough, I find myself agreeing with you.
I suppose the best way to describe my feelings on the matter are to look over how I first reacted to Aylara's first post. On the first read, it seemed like a adequately well thought out posting with undertones of frustration. Since I don't know Aylara personally (and still don't..) I checked on her honours and noted her enviable youth in our world. This then supplied me with enough information to reread her post, notice a few signs of inexperience with Sapience as a whole, yet retain several of her quite justifiable points. An interesting post, but not one that affects me personally.
Moving on, several posts later, I find myself wondering why so many people have taken it upon themselves to discredit--no, practically squash into the mud, Aylara. Several respectable people have taken it on themselves to point out multiple fallacies in her points, and a select few have gone a bit further and attacked her personality and credibility. I hope I'm not alone in wondering if the former was done with perhaps a little too much zeal, and the latter not necessary at all.
My last thought on all this is directed to those who replied to Aylara in various ways. When posting, please try to retain an objective tone (presuming you *do* want people to take your opinion seriously) and don't go to great lengths to point out things which are obvious, it can be quite insulting.
Just me,
Penned by my hand on the 15th of Mayan, in the year 259 AF.