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Public News Post #21998

The Artist's Broad Brush

Written by: Ser Aerek Ancyrion, Knight Arbiter
Date: Saturday, October 12th, 2024
Addressed to: Director Solishan 'Trouble' Gloambourne, Tenebrous Operative

Director Gloambourne,

The controversies of our day that swirl through Hashan are known to me, and your critiques bear some merit. The Code of Chivalry is a lofty standard, rare indeed is a Knight that never falls short, and every institution has its brash paraiahs. But falling short and being called to account by our Knightly peers is part of the Path, never may we rest on our laurels of past honour.

I ask you, is it Dame Ereia Visindi you speak of, who earned her title in two orders, who was first to tame the mighty Aurelion, who has faithfully led Hashan's armies? Do you speak of Ser Ardor Crescent-Thorngage, Minister and Regent from a young age, whose talents indeed lie in civil service and diplomacy? Do you speak of Dame Ruth I'llur or Sir Hyru Tiercel, great Seneschals of their time? Hashan claims its share of Knights who have lived our Code with distinction, and I expect they are not the targets of your ire.

Perhaps you associate all of Knighthood with your enemies, bitter rivals at front of mind. But my Guild counts two scores of chevaliers, who serve at all levels of six nations. Some of my Knights shall be your foes and earn your hatred, I make no excuse for them. Some of my Knights shall be your champions and live the best of our virtues, pray remember those that stand beside you when the broad brush tempts.

Penned by my hand on the 7th of Ero, in the year 958 AF.

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Public News Post #21998

The Artist's Broad Brush

Written by: Ser Aerek Ancyrion, Knight Arbiter
Date: Saturday, October 12th, 2024
Addressed to: Director Solishan 'Trouble' Gloambourne, Tenebrous Operative

Director Gloambourne,

The controversies of our day that swirl through Hashan are known to me, and your critiques bear some merit. The Code of Chivalry is a lofty standard, rare indeed is a Knight that never falls short, and every institution has its brash paraiahs. But falling short and being called to account by our Knightly peers is part of the Path, never may we rest on our laurels of past honour.

I ask you, is it Dame Ereia Visindi you speak of, who earned her title in two orders, who was first to tame the mighty Aurelion, who has faithfully led Hashan's armies? Do you speak of Ser Ardor Crescent-Thorngage, Minister and Regent from a young age, whose talents indeed lie in civil service and diplomacy? Do you speak of Dame Ruth I'llur or Sir Hyru Tiercel, great Seneschals of their time? Hashan claims its share of Knights who have lived our Code with distinction, and I expect they are not the targets of your ire.

Perhaps you associate all of Knighthood with your enemies, bitter rivals at front of mind. But my Guild counts two scores of chevaliers, who serve at all levels of six nations. Some of my Knights shall be your foes and earn your hatred, I make no excuse for them. Some of my Knights shall be your champions and live the best of our virtues, pray remember those that stand beside you when the broad brush tempts.

Penned by my hand on the 7th of Ero, in the year 958 AF.

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