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Public News Post #20834


Written by: Silas Maynard
Date: Monday, September 28th, 2020
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

Citizens of Targossas,

It is only right that you know the full truth of the rot that has taken hold at the head of your government.

As you will now know, a few years ago your Dawnlord, Lyndee Faelithar - who also serves as the Seraph of Light in the Order of Aurora - snuck the Tyrannus of Mhaldor, Stheno Aristata, into her bed in your own subdivision, under the flimsy pretext of overseeing the cleansing of her consort, the perennial oathbreaker Atalkez Al'Jafri, despite public record showing that Atalkez was then cursed again by Stheno in the Mhaldorian ritual display for Cre'alhal.

You will also know that she has since admitted that the Seneschal of Hashan, Mezghar Al'Jafri, previously Atalkez's bastard, is her son - a fact that she withheld from everybody for over a century.

Let me first be clear: Lyndee's private life is her own affair. That she chooses to live it so publicly is her own decision, but that is not the issue here. The issue is what the choices she has made reveal about her character.

You see, when the Seneschal was born, Lyndee was married to Sir Achilles, a former Knight of the Aarash Kheyr - an Order the two shared with the child's father and Lyndee's current consort, Atalkez. What this means, of course, is that Lyndee knowingly withheld the Seneschal's parentage to hide her own shame and to avoid disgracing herself in front of the Order and in front of the world.

For whatever reason, she seems to have convinced herself that divorcing Achilles will cause people to forget that they were ever married, and believes that revealing Mezghar to be her son will be chalked up as some heroic deed - that brave Lyndee is finally facing the truth of her own shady past.

But what she also forgot is that we swore an Oath to the Lightbringer all those years ago to let no lies spill from our lips. I know this because I swore the same oath, the transcript of which was as follows:

"I, Silas Maynard, do pledge my life in service to the Goddess of Light.

"From this day forward I stand ready to defend Creation. Truth is my weapon. Light is my shield.

"These words are my bind to the Lightbringer. Let no lies spill from my lips. Let Darkness never shade my mind. Let Chaos never poison my body. Let Evil never dictate my actions.

"I serve She who is the Lightbringer. May lies and falsehood ever strike me down before Her gaze."

By her admission, Lyndee has proven herself to have broken her oath. She has proven herself a liar, and she lies still, offending everybody's intelligence by claiming that she has forgotten carrying her child to term, giving birth to him, and giving him away.

Likewise, she has now spun a yarn about how Atalkez apparently kidnapped Stheno while she was conveniently skulking around in the Targossian subdivision, then bound her in their bed to hide their actions from Sartan's prying eyes and flailing temper, as though their bedsheets are some magical shield from the Gods Themselves, so that they could force her to reverse the curse she had put on Atalkez when he left Mhaldor.

We also know that shortly after this, communications were intercepted between Atalkez and the Tyrannus where she cordially warned him - "as a friend," according to the oathbreaker - to guard his communications against the use of a whisper stone, and reassuring him - after, we are supposed to believe, he kidnapped her and broke her arm - that nothing had yet been picked up about him, with a warning to "just be aware", and that nothing had been overheard that she "can't sweep away."

It is clear to anybody with a brain that the pair of them are base liars. Lyndee is trying now to use Truth as her shield in this whole squalid debacle, but this is what Truth is: it is our foremost weapon against the lies and deceit that selfish people like Lyndee and Atalkez choose to spread, as they live out their lives with no care for the consequences to anybody else.

Unlike the Dawnlord and her consort, I take my oaths seriously. I was ordered for months to stop talking about this, without any sensible explanation being offered, but I had a duty to Truth - a duty it is now clear that the Lightbringer has unburdened Herself of, and a duty from which Her Seraph has likewise been relieved.

I was ordered to put Creation first and to blindly follow Lyndee, but for me, after Niraaeth Ashaela was cut down for daring to question the oathbreaker about the lies he admitted to telling, enough was enough. You have all now seen the number of people so far sacrificed on the altar of Lyndee's lies, and that number will only continue to rise. It is inevitable that more lies must be told to save her from ever facing the truth, and from ever facing the consequences of her own actions.

How many more will you tolerate, Targossas? How many more of your brothers and sisters will you see cast aside before you stand up and demand answers yourselves?

Creation deserves better.

In service,

Silas Maynard de l'Evanoir

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Lupar, in the year 840 AF.

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Public News Post #20834


Written by: Silas Maynard
Date: Monday, September 28th, 2020
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

Citizens of Targossas,

It is only right that you know the full truth of the rot that has taken hold at the head of your government.

As you will now know, a few years ago your Dawnlord, Lyndee Faelithar - who also serves as the Seraph of Light in the Order of Aurora - snuck the Tyrannus of Mhaldor, Stheno Aristata, into her bed in your own subdivision, under the flimsy pretext of overseeing the cleansing of her consort, the perennial oathbreaker Atalkez Al'Jafri, despite public record showing that Atalkez was then cursed again by Stheno in the Mhaldorian ritual display for Cre'alhal.

You will also know that she has since admitted that the Seneschal of Hashan, Mezghar Al'Jafri, previously Atalkez's bastard, is her son - a fact that she withheld from everybody for over a century.

Let me first be clear: Lyndee's private life is her own affair. That she chooses to live it so publicly is her own decision, but that is not the issue here. The issue is what the choices she has made reveal about her character.

You see, when the Seneschal was born, Lyndee was married to Sir Achilles, a former Knight of the Aarash Kheyr - an Order the two shared with the child's father and Lyndee's current consort, Atalkez. What this means, of course, is that Lyndee knowingly withheld the Seneschal's parentage to hide her own shame and to avoid disgracing herself in front of the Order and in front of the world.

For whatever reason, she seems to have convinced herself that divorcing Achilles will cause people to forget that they were ever married, and believes that revealing Mezghar to be her son will be chalked up as some heroic deed - that brave Lyndee is finally facing the truth of her own shady past.

But what she also forgot is that we swore an Oath to the Lightbringer all those years ago to let no lies spill from our lips. I know this because I swore the same oath, the transcript of which was as follows:

"I, Silas Maynard, do pledge my life in service to the Goddess of Light.

"From this day forward I stand ready to defend Creation. Truth is my weapon. Light is my shield.

"These words are my bind to the Lightbringer. Let no lies spill from my lips. Let Darkness never shade my mind. Let Chaos never poison my body. Let Evil never dictate my actions.

"I serve She who is the Lightbringer. May lies and falsehood ever strike me down before Her gaze."

By her admission, Lyndee has proven herself to have broken her oath. She has proven herself a liar, and she lies still, offending everybody's intelligence by claiming that she has forgotten carrying her child to term, giving birth to him, and giving him away.

Likewise, she has now spun a yarn about how Atalkez apparently kidnapped Stheno while she was conveniently skulking around in the Targossian subdivision, then bound her in their bed to hide their actions from Sartan's prying eyes and flailing temper, as though their bedsheets are some magical shield from the Gods Themselves, so that they could force her to reverse the curse she had put on Atalkez when he left Mhaldor.

We also know that shortly after this, communications were intercepted between Atalkez and the Tyrannus where she cordially warned him - "as a friend," according to the oathbreaker - to guard his communications against the use of a whisper stone, and reassuring him - after, we are supposed to believe, he kidnapped her and broke her arm - that nothing had yet been picked up about him, with a warning to "just be aware", and that nothing had been overheard that she "can't sweep away."

It is clear to anybody with a brain that the pair of them are base liars. Lyndee is trying now to use Truth as her shield in this whole squalid debacle, but this is what Truth is: it is our foremost weapon against the lies and deceit that selfish people like Lyndee and Atalkez choose to spread, as they live out their lives with no care for the consequences to anybody else.

Unlike the Dawnlord and her consort, I take my oaths seriously. I was ordered for months to stop talking about this, without any sensible explanation being offered, but I had a duty to Truth - a duty it is now clear that the Lightbringer has unburdened Herself of, and a duty from which Her Seraph has likewise been relieved.

I was ordered to put Creation first and to blindly follow Lyndee, but for me, after Niraaeth Ashaela was cut down for daring to question the oathbreaker about the lies he admitted to telling, enough was enough. You have all now seen the number of people so far sacrificed on the altar of Lyndee's lies, and that number will only continue to rise. It is inevitable that more lies must be told to save her from ever facing the truth, and from ever facing the consequences of her own actions.

How many more will you tolerate, Targossas? How many more of your brothers and sisters will you see cast aside before you stand up and demand answers yourselves?

Creation deserves better.

In service,

Silas Maynard de l'Evanoir

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Lupar, in the year 840 AF.

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