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Public News Post #1952

Purpose of Chaos

Written by: Brother Jareth, Sentaarian Monk
Date: Thursday, May 6th, 1999
Addressed to: Everyone

Purpose of Chaos.

Greetings all.

I am a monk. One who has learned to discipline his mind and body.
To live a life of Form and Focus. I have taught myself to seek
control and order within me. Thus, I am perhaps not well suited to
talk of chaos. But it is a subject I have given much thought to.
Perhaps my searching can help you on your own paths to illumination.

Goddess Chaos has suggested careful observation of the world around
you to aid in your understanding of Chaos. Unfortunately, one is
prone to loose sight of what one is seeking. It is too easy to see
the order in things. You grasp a handful of sand, sifting it through
your fingers. Yet when it falls back to the beach, it is still sand.
You an apple in your hand, taste it, and savour its texture and
flavour. Yet it is an apple, just like all its siblings from
its mother tree. One may make an argument for each item's uniqueness,
but all individuals are unique by definition regardless of their

So what is the purpose of such observations? It is not the object
of your observation which is important, but the process of observing.
You must approach the subject with a certain level of introspection.
What makes this experience for you? Was it pleasant or unpleasant?
How did you decide?

It is my belief that the essence and purpose of Chaos is that of this
decision process. Chaos exists for free will.

I think misguided the idea that Order requires Chaos to balance it.
Order can exist perfectly without Chaos. All would be but a vast
eternal clockwork. All changes would be scripted. Ayar's creation
would be nothing more than an intricate toy -- a pirouetting
universe within an endless musicbox.

Chaos allows the creation to become much more. It allows the
universe to recreate itself. What we are left with is a dynamic
flow which not even the gods can wholly predict.

Chaos is a gift to us all. It gives us a free will that Order
alone cannot provide. We should be grateful that Ayar in his
infinite wisdom created such for us.

Brother Jareth, the Low, of the Sentaari.

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Lupar, in the year 218 AF.

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Public News Post #1952

Purpose of Chaos

Written by: Brother Jareth, Sentaarian Monk
Date: Thursday, May 6th, 1999
Addressed to: Everyone

Purpose of Chaos.

Greetings all.

I am a monk. One who has learned to discipline his mind and body.
To live a life of Form and Focus. I have taught myself to seek
control and order within me. Thus, I am perhaps not well suited to
talk of chaos. But it is a subject I have given much thought to.
Perhaps my searching can help you on your own paths to illumination.

Goddess Chaos has suggested careful observation of the world around
you to aid in your understanding of Chaos. Unfortunately, one is
prone to loose sight of what one is seeking. It is too easy to see
the order in things. You grasp a handful of sand, sifting it through
your fingers. Yet when it falls back to the beach, it is still sand.
You an apple in your hand, taste it, and savour its texture and
flavour. Yet it is an apple, just like all its siblings from
its mother tree. One may make an argument for each item's uniqueness,
but all individuals are unique by definition regardless of their

So what is the purpose of such observations? It is not the object
of your observation which is important, but the process of observing.
You must approach the subject with a certain level of introspection.
What makes this experience for you? Was it pleasant or unpleasant?
How did you decide?

It is my belief that the essence and purpose of Chaos is that of this
decision process. Chaos exists for free will.

I think misguided the idea that Order requires Chaos to balance it.
Order can exist perfectly without Chaos. All would be but a vast
eternal clockwork. All changes would be scripted. Ayar's creation
would be nothing more than an intricate toy -- a pirouetting
universe within an endless musicbox.

Chaos allows the creation to become much more. It allows the
universe to recreate itself. What we are left with is a dynamic
flow which not even the gods can wholly predict.

Chaos is a gift to us all. It gives us a free will that Order
alone cannot provide. We should be grateful that Ayar in his
infinite wisdom created such for us.

Brother Jareth, the Low, of the Sentaari.

Penned by my hand on the 24th of Lupar, in the year 218 AF.

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