Achaean News
Umm... no.
Written by: Darthus Farserith
Date: Thursday, May 6th, 1999
Addressed to: Ajax
Well Ajax,
If I can say one thing for you my friend it's that you're verbose. But I must say I think your idea stinks, and not only because YOU'RE proposing to put shrines in my fair village (Hashan) but because I think you're severely overcomplicating a simple matter.
Your idea is very similar to mine, except you're saying that there should be shines in the areas between Ashtan and Shallam that can't be defiled, and will only be used for peaceful purposes, which in your mind may work. But I've played here a long time and I'm telling you it won't. It's almost impossible to enforce just using shrines peacefully and brings up a whole host of other issues.
Also I'm telling you that since it's impossible to enforce peaceful shrines, shrines in between the cities WILL be defiled. So your idea is more complicated and will probably only lead to more war. It's much simpler to leave the middle areas as a "holy battle ground" as it were. It has been this way in the past, and works out fine.
Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Lupar, in the year 218 AF.
Umm... no.
Written by: Darthus Farserith
Date: Thursday, May 6th, 1999
Addressed to: Ajax
Well Ajax,
If I can say one thing for you my friend it's that you're verbose. But I must say I think your idea stinks, and not only because YOU'RE proposing to put shrines in my fair village (Hashan) but because I think you're severely overcomplicating a simple matter.
Your idea is very similar to mine, except you're saying that there should be shines in the areas between Ashtan and Shallam that can't be defiled, and will only be used for peaceful purposes, which in your mind may work. But I've played here a long time and I'm telling you it won't. It's almost impossible to enforce just using shrines peacefully and brings up a whole host of other issues.
Also I'm telling you that since it's impossible to enforce peaceful shrines, shrines in between the cities WILL be defiled. So your idea is more complicated and will probably only lead to more war. It's much simpler to leave the middle areas as a "holy battle ground" as it were. It has been this way in the past, and works out fine.
Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Lupar, in the year 218 AF.