Newbies are the life blood of a city, for as the old generations die off, strong new leaders must be found. The Ambassador and his aides are responsible for cultivating a favourable atmosphere for newbies within the city, providing them with help, advice, support, and perhaps even equipment. The Ambassador and his aides have the following powers: CITY FINANCE REPORT AMBASSADOR [<year>] - The detailed report for this ministry for the given year. CITY REPORTS AMBASSADOR [<year>] - Non-financial general report for this ministry. CITIZEN <adventurer> - Make someone a citizen of your city. CITY NOVICE LIST - List all novice citizens in the realms. CITY NOVICE TASKS - Show the tasks of a novice citizen. CITY NOVICE SKILLS - Show the skills of a novice citizen. CITYWITHDRAW AMBASSADOR <amount> - Withdraw money from the Ministry's account, in order to help a newbie. READAMBLOG/AMBLOG - Works the same as READLOG in HELP CITYCOMMANDS. - Records citizening/uncitizening, those who joined the city via the newbie intro, citizens who have deleted, and citizens who have quit the city. UNCITIZEN <person> - Kick someone out of your city. WRITEAMBLOG - Make a note to the ambassadorial log.